Manado, action to convict the alleged malpractice concerns, Dr. Dewa Ayu Sasiary Prawani and colleagues, continue to reverberate. Among physicians, patient death has become a medical risk.
But for Mahengkeng Yulin, Julia Frances Makatey mother who died during a caesarean section, mid-April 2010, said another. There is the omission of the children who are already in distress and need immediate surgery.
Yulin later recounted the events that began on April 9, 2010. At that time his son, go to the health center in the District Malalayang shoulders ahead of the birth. Bore signs seen at 04.00 pm, the next day, after the rupture of amniotic fluid with an opening 8 to 9 centimeters.
But the doctor's Hospital Health Center, referring to Prof. Dr. Kandou Malalayang because Frances had a history of giving birth to her first child divakum way. "We arrived at 07.00 pm, and then put into the room Irdo," said Yulin told AFP on Monday (25/11/2013) night.
Because the results of a decline of up to 6 cm opening, the morning Frances and directed to the delivery room. Yulin and then said, as if that moment happens omission of the child, as it seemed to stall waiting for a normal delivery.
"In fact, my son had to have surgery because the waters have broken and his condition is weak," he explained.
Until the night around 20:00 pm, a new action performed surgery Dr. Ayu and two colleagues. Family was back and forth the operating room and pharmacy to buy the drug. With conditions not bring enough money, bargaining occurs medicine and equipment.
"Even I try to ensure I wear a gold necklace, while waiting for the money that is still on the way, but still ignored. Operation was finally experiencing delays," beber Yulin.
He continued, at 22:00 pm, the money from her sister arrived. The amount was not sufficient as a request by the hospital. After pleading repeatedly, then the operation performed. 15 minutes later, the doctor came out carrying the baby and gave her the news in a healthy state. But later only 20 to 30 minutes later, the doctor brought the news again when her son had died.
"We are disappointed omission occurred for 15 hours on my child. Why new surgery performed after the condition of my child is already suffering and helpless?" he added.
"It is clear there are mistakes made by doctors, so our family was reported to the police," added Yulin.
According to him, the incident has been a few times she told to the various parties to prove the existence of the omission of the doctors who deal with children.
"So I cried when heard, Manado District Court acquittal., But God heard our prayers, because our appeal and the Supreme Court and the Attorney received 10 months in prison to grant demands," he concluded.
On the basis of the Supreme Court decision that granted prosecutors appeal, Dr. Ayu thrown into detention Mandeleng Manado, Friday (8/11). Dr. Hendry simanjuntak following today. Only Dr. Hendry Siagian who is still at large.