Benefits of Soursop Fruit As Anti-Cancer Drug and Anti-Bacterial Proven In Clinical
FRUIT which in Spain is known by the name or the name of the British graviola or soursop soursop natural killer cells are recognized as miraculous cancer with 10,000 times stronger than chemo therapy or chemotherapy.
But why do we not know?
Because one of the secret world of research findings on this matter as close-meeting, they wanted to be a very large research funds have been spent, for many years, may return in advance plus generous benefits by making Synthetic Graviola tree as raw material for medicine and medicine sold to the world market!
Ironically, some people have died in vain, pathetic, because the malignancy of cancer, while the giant companies, drug makers with a turnover of billions of dollars sealed this secret miracle.
Efficacy of soursop fruit gives the anti-tumor / cancer is very strong, and medically proven cure all types of cancer.
In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as an anti-bacterial, anti fungal (fungi), effective against many types of parasites / worms, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system that is less good.
One of the things how important the existence of the Institute for Health Sciences Institute of Americans are revealing the secrets of this magical fruit. Research has proven that "magic tree" and the fruit of this work:
1. Attacking cancer cells safely and effectively naturally, WITHOUT nausea, weight loss, hair loss, as happened in chemo therapy.
2. Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
3. Patients feel more powerful, more healthy during the treatment / healing.
4. Increased energy and physical appearance improved.
5. Effectively selecting a target and kill the bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, including cancers: colon, breast, prostate, Paru2, and pancreas.
6. Power works 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared to Adriamycin and Chemo therapy commonly used!
7. Unlike chemo therapy, this juice is only selectively hunt down and kill the bad cells and NOT harm / kill healthy cells!
Research has been conducted on the tree ekstensive "magic" is, for many years but why we do not know anything about this? The answer is: So easy our health, our lives are controlled by money and power!
One of America's largest drug companies with a turnover of billions of dollars doing extraordinary research on Graviola tree that grows this Amazon jungle.
Apparently some parts of this tree: bark, roots, leaves, fruit pulp and seeds, over the centuries into a cure for the Indians in South America to treat: heart disease, asthma, liver problems (heart) and rheumatism.
With the scientific evidence is minimal, the company disbursed funds and human resources are very large in order to conduct research and various tests. The results are astonishing. Graviola is scientifically proven as cancer cell killing machine!
But ... the story of Graviola nearly ended here. Why?
Under the Federal Undang2, natural resources for the drug banned / not be patented.
Companies facing a big problem, trying hard with huge costs to make sinthesa / cloning of Graviola is to be patented so that funds expended for Research and Miscellaneous Test can be returned, and even reap huge profits.
But this attempt did not succeed. Graviola can not be cloned! The company also bite the finger after spending billions of dollars for research and Miscellaneous Test.
When a dream to earn big profits gradually fade, research and test activities as well quit. Worse yet, the company closed the project and decided to NOT publish the results of this research.
Fortunately, there was one scientist from the research team can not bear to see this happen. By sacrificing his career, he contacted a company that used to collect natural materials from the Amazon jungle to the manufacture of drugs.
When the experts of the Health Sciences Research Institute at the news miracle Graviola, they began to do research. The results were startling. Graviola tree proved to be an effective cancer cell killer.
The National Cancer Institute began the first scientific research in 1976. The results prove that Graviola leaf and stem wood is able to attack and destroy the evil cancer cells. Unfortunately, these results only for internal purposes and are not published.
Since 1976, Graviola has proven to be a killer of cancer cells in the extraordinary trials conducted by 20 different laboratories Independent.
A study published by the Journal of Natural Products stated that studies conducted by the Catholic University in South Korea, mentioning that one of the chemical elements contained in Graviola, able to select, discriminate and kill colon cancer cells with 10,000 times more powerful than with Adriamycin and Chemo Therapy! The most striking discovery from Catholic University in this study were: Graviola can memillih evil and kills only cancer cells, while healthy cells untouched / disrupted.
Graviola not like chemo therapy who can not distinguish between cancer cells and healthy cells, then the reproductive cells (such as stomach and hair) were killed out by Chemo Therapy, causing negative effects: nausea and hair loss.
A study at Purdue University show that the Graviola leaves are able to effectively kill cancer cells, particularly cancer cells: Prostate, Pancreas, and Lungs.
After for more than seven years no news of Graviola, finally broke the news of this miracle, too, through information from the institutions mentioned above.
Limited supply of Graviola extract is cultivated and harvested by indigenous people of Brazil, is now available in America.
Leaves boiled
In Indonesia, soursop as a natural remedy has also been long known. The dose of herbal therapists attempted to address the growth of cancer cells is 10 soursop leaves have dark green boiled in 3 cups of water (600 cc), and is left up to the remaining one cup of water (200 cc). Once cool, then filtered and the water drunk every morning (there are some patients who drink early in the afternoon).
Effect of consumption of soursop leaf decoction is stomach feels warm or hot, then the body will sweat profusely. It should be understood that the use of potent herbal ingredients are not directly or immediately recover cespleng aliases such as the effects of chemical drugs offered. That is, it took discipline to drink a potion for 3-4 weeks.
Now you know the benefits of soursop fruit is exceptional. It was refreshing sweet-sour sweet. 100% natural fruit without any side effects. Disseminate the good news to the family, relatives, friends, and friends that you love.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Research Proves That the DHA Consumption Can Reduce Stress and Making Happy
Research Proves That the DHA Consumption Can Reduce Stress and Making Happy
A new study identifies the impact of eating more fish oil showed the effects of inflammation. But surprisingly, seen also the effect of reduced anxiety in healthy young people.
These findings certainly suggest that if young people are able to get the benefit of such, the elderly and people at high risk for certain diseases may get more benefits. This finding has also been published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), has long been regarded as positive for food additives. Previous studies suggest that compounds that may play a role in reducing the levels of cytokines in the body of compounds that cause inflammation and may even reduce depression.
Psychological stress has repeatedly been shown to increase cytokine production, so the researchers wondered if increasing omega-3 may reduce the process by reducing inflammation.
Although research shows the positive impact of omega-3 supplements in reducing anxiety and inflammation, the researchers have not been willing to recommend adding this supplement to the daily menu. "Perhaps it is too early to recommend the use of omega-3 supplements to the whole community, especially given the cost and limited supply of fish oil," said Martha Belury, associate professor of human nutrition and researchers of this study. "People just have to consider increasing your intake of these nutrients is through food," he said as quoted from ScienceDaily
A new study identifies the impact of eating more fish oil showed the effects of inflammation. But surprisingly, seen also the effect of reduced anxiety in healthy young people.
These findings certainly suggest that if young people are able to get the benefit of such, the elderly and people at high risk for certain diseases may get more benefits. This finding has also been published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), has long been regarded as positive for food additives. Previous studies suggest that compounds that may play a role in reducing the levels of cytokines in the body of compounds that cause inflammation and may even reduce depression.
Psychological stress has repeatedly been shown to increase cytokine production, so the researchers wondered if increasing omega-3 may reduce the process by reducing inflammation.
Although research shows the positive impact of omega-3 supplements in reducing anxiety and inflammation, the researchers have not been willing to recommend adding this supplement to the daily menu. "Perhaps it is too early to recommend the use of omega-3 supplements to the whole community, especially given the cost and limited supply of fish oil," said Martha Belury, associate professor of human nutrition and researchers of this study. "People just have to consider increasing your intake of these nutrients is through food," he said as quoted from ScienceDaily
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Being Able Frog Skin Anti-Cancer Drugs
Being Able Frog Skin Anti-Cancer Drugs
Researchers from Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, found two types of proteins in the skin of frogs, that have the potential as a cancer cure.
"Two types of proteins that can inhibit the growth of blood vessels once used to kill tumor cells," said Chris Shaw, leader of the research team, on Tuesday (07/06/2011), told BBC News.
According to Shaw, most tumor cells can only grow to a certain size before the cells need blood vessels to grow into a tumor to deliver nutrients and oxygen are very important substances.
In research, the scientists catch frogs and retrieve the results of protein secretion on the skin, then release it back into the wild. Shaw himself has said, he believes will have a natural solution for a variety of diseases that humans face, "Just how to find it."
The study was awarded to medical discoveries in the Medical Futures Innovation Awards in London recently.
Researchers from Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, found two types of proteins in the skin of frogs, that have the potential as a cancer cure.
"Two types of proteins that can inhibit the growth of blood vessels once used to kill tumor cells," said Chris Shaw, leader of the research team, on Tuesday (07/06/2011), told BBC News.
According to Shaw, most tumor cells can only grow to a certain size before the cells need blood vessels to grow into a tumor to deliver nutrients and oxygen are very important substances.
In research, the scientists catch frogs and retrieve the results of protein secretion on the skin, then release it back into the wild. Shaw himself has said, he believes will have a natural solution for a variety of diseases that humans face, "Just how to find it."
The study was awarded to medical discoveries in the Medical Futures Innovation Awards in London recently.
Used and Odor Socks Proven Medication Mosquito Malaria is the most efficacious
Used and Odor Socks Proven Medication Mosquito Malaria is the most efficacious
You know, there is a more effective way to repel mosquitoes other than spray or mosquito nets, namely former socks. Yes, old socks that smell may not tasty it is preferred malaria mosquitoes.
Is Dr.Bart Knols, scientists from the Netherlands, who first learned that mosquitoes attracted to the smell of human feet. He deliberately stood naked in the dark room to find out which body part most preferred mosquitoes to bite. Turns the legs are a favorite of mosquitoes.
However, for 15 years, "science" has not been much help scientists in preventing mosquito bites, especially those that can cause diseases such as malaria mosquitoes.
Then Dr.Fredros Okumu, head of research projects from Tanzania Ifakara Health Institute, creating a blend of eight types of chemicals to find the most appropriate scent to attract mosquitoes.
The mosquitoes are lured by the odor smells like old socks then into a trap and then given a toxic substance. This is an effective way to kill 95 percent of mosquitoes. Trap was placed outside the room.
"Trap with a distinctive odor of human feet that attract mosquitoes more than four times," Okumu said that working on this project for 2 years.
He explained the research will still continue to find the most suitable place to lay a trap. If placed too close to humans then there is the possibility of mosquitoes are more attracted to bite humans, but if the distance is too far away will be less effective trap.
Okumu made prototype trap is still quite expensive because the factory he hoped there could be expensive to produce that trap so that it can reach broad masyaraktat.
Top of this innovation Okumu who last year received $ 100,000 in research funding to get additional 775,000 American dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to continue projeknya in the prevention of malaria.
Although even the global malaria infection has been reduced but still found 220 million new cases of malaria each year. The UN says the number is 800,000 people died, most are children.
You know, there is a more effective way to repel mosquitoes other than spray or mosquito nets, namely former socks. Yes, old socks that smell may not tasty it is preferred malaria mosquitoes.
Is Dr.Bart Knols, scientists from the Netherlands, who first learned that mosquitoes attracted to the smell of human feet. He deliberately stood naked in the dark room to find out which body part most preferred mosquitoes to bite. Turns the legs are a favorite of mosquitoes.
However, for 15 years, "science" has not been much help scientists in preventing mosquito bites, especially those that can cause diseases such as malaria mosquitoes.
Then Dr.Fredros Okumu, head of research projects from Tanzania Ifakara Health Institute, creating a blend of eight types of chemicals to find the most appropriate scent to attract mosquitoes.
The mosquitoes are lured by the odor smells like old socks then into a trap and then given a toxic substance. This is an effective way to kill 95 percent of mosquitoes. Trap was placed outside the room.
"Trap with a distinctive odor of human feet that attract mosquitoes more than four times," Okumu said that working on this project for 2 years.
He explained the research will still continue to find the most suitable place to lay a trap. If placed too close to humans then there is the possibility of mosquitoes are more attracted to bite humans, but if the distance is too far away will be less effective trap.
Okumu made prototype trap is still quite expensive because the factory he hoped there could be expensive to produce that trap so that it can reach broad masyaraktat.
Top of this innovation Okumu who last year received $ 100,000 in research funding to get additional 775,000 American dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to continue projeknya in the prevention of malaria.
Although even the global malaria infection has been reduced but still found 220 million new cases of malaria each year. The UN says the number is 800,000 people died, most are children.
Friday, October 28, 2011
How to Read the Disease With Viewing Conditions and Physical Characteristics Body
How to Read the Disease With Viewing Conditions and Physical Characteristics Body
Actually there is a clear sign that can be seen with the naked eye when the body got into trouble. Even so, medical testing is absolutely necessary in order to ensure more accurate results.
The health condition of your body can be seen from the sign in all your body. Starting from the condition of the ears, eyebrows, chest, and even fingers. Your risk of certain diseases can also be seen with the naked eye. then get to know some signs of health problems as quoted from redbookmag:
1. Ears that contract
"Over a decade of research, it is known that the wrinkles in one ear associated with an increased risk of heart disease," said Joanne Foofy. MD, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women Hospital, USA.
2. Thin eyebrows
Thin eyebrows can be pertandabahwa someone has a thyroid problem. "Thyroid hormones are made of hair and body hair konsisinya good. if the hair loss or thin, it's a sign that there is a thyroid disorder, "said Sandara Fryhofer, MD, professor of Emory University.
There are ways a simple blood test to know if you have problems with the thyroid. This way, you can easily discover why hair becomes thin.
3. A large chest
A large chest can Jandi sensual. Even so, this is not without risk. apparently, the larger chest size, the greater the risk of type 2 diabetes. These results obtained from a study of 90 thousand women for 20 years and became part of nursing science research.
This type of fat in the chest increases the likelihood of producing a hormone that can trigger diabetes. So, if you have a large chest size, it is not painful when you check your blood sugar levels.
4. Middle finger short
If your middle finger shorter than ring finger, you two have the potential to develop arthritis or muscular disorders. this is according to a study conducted by the Arthritis Research Institute of America.
"The greater the difference, the greater the risk," said Paul Leaveton, Ph.D., one of the researchers
Actually there is a clear sign that can be seen with the naked eye when the body got into trouble. Even so, medical testing is absolutely necessary in order to ensure more accurate results.
The health condition of your body can be seen from the sign in all your body. Starting from the condition of the ears, eyebrows, chest, and even fingers. Your risk of certain diseases can also be seen with the naked eye. then get to know some signs of health problems as quoted from redbookmag:
1. Ears that contract
"Over a decade of research, it is known that the wrinkles in one ear associated with an increased risk of heart disease," said Joanne Foofy. MD, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women Hospital, USA.
2. Thin eyebrows
Thin eyebrows can be pertandabahwa someone has a thyroid problem. "Thyroid hormones are made of hair and body hair konsisinya good. if the hair loss or thin, it's a sign that there is a thyroid disorder, "said Sandara Fryhofer, MD, professor of Emory University.
There are ways a simple blood test to know if you have problems with the thyroid. This way, you can easily discover why hair becomes thin.
3. A large chest
A large chest can Jandi sensual. Even so, this is not without risk. apparently, the larger chest size, the greater the risk of type 2 diabetes. These results obtained from a study of 90 thousand women for 20 years and became part of nursing science research.
This type of fat in the chest increases the likelihood of producing a hormone that can trigger diabetes. So, if you have a large chest size, it is not painful when you check your blood sugar levels.
4. Middle finger short
If your middle finger shorter than ring finger, you two have the potential to develop arthritis or muscular disorders. this is according to a study conducted by the Arthritis Research Institute of America.
"The greater the difference, the greater the risk," said Paul Leaveton, Ph.D., one of the researchers
Mosquitoes Cause Dengue Able Living In Dirty Water
Mosquitoes Cause Dengue Able Living In Dirty Water
Mosquito species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which is known as vector or virus disseminators of dengue fever (DHF), may be stronger than expected so far. Research indicates that mosquitoes can fly farther, active until evening, and also live in dirty water.
"We've done the research, Aedes aegypti can live in dirty water, no clean water only as long as we believe in," said Dr. Upik Kesumawati Hadi, Head of Parasitology and Entomology Health Faculty of Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University, during a seminar on insect Cibinong Science Center, Bogor, on . These findings need to be followed up so that people more alert.
In a 2006 study, his team emulate puddle of dirty water in the laboratory using a mixture of chicken manure, kapirit, and soapy water so that the level of water concentrates pollutants like in nature. Mosquito larva eggs laid into Dalma puddle turned out to be hatched into larvae to adult mosquitoes. Although already proven in the lab, he has never found a case in nature.
Aedes aegypti is known as being diurnal, or active during the day, but the study found mosquitoes bite humans is still up at 21.00. The peak activity of mosquitoes spreading dengue virus occurred between the hours of 8:00 to 09:00 am and 4:00 p.m. to 17:00.
Mosquitoes also have a cruising range of more distant. "The distance flown in the literature between 50-100 meters, but the study in Singapore showed up to 320 meters," he said. He did not dismiss the possibility that these changes caused the process of mutation and the physiological changes due to global warming.
Upik said the government and the public need to know bioekologi mosquito outbreaks so that prevention can be effective. Fogging or fumigation is not a solution because the solution is just a function of insecticide to kill adult mosquitoes. Mosquito life cycle must be broken as early as possible.
"Mosquitoes lay their eggs on the water surface. If the bath a week is not used for example, there is a black plaque on the walls when viewed with a magnifying glass is actually a row of eggs, "explains Upik. After the next 2-3 days, the eggs hatch into larvae. Eggs did not hatch due to dry can remain for months and will hatch once exposed to water, the larva, until ddewasa.
Adult mosquitoes that suck blood of patients with DHF will carry the virus, which has an incubation period of between 8-10 days in the mosquito's body. If a mosquito bites a healthy person, the virus was transmitted.
"However, any parasites that do not have the same behavior, we must know the weak points," said Upik. Behavior of mosquitoes in one area may also differ from other regions. unfortunately, during this research is still very limited local
Mosquito species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which is known as vector or virus disseminators of dengue fever (DHF), may be stronger than expected so far. Research indicates that mosquitoes can fly farther, active until evening, and also live in dirty water.
"We've done the research, Aedes aegypti can live in dirty water, no clean water only as long as we believe in," said Dr. Upik Kesumawati Hadi, Head of Parasitology and Entomology Health Faculty of Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University, during a seminar on insect Cibinong Science Center, Bogor, on . These findings need to be followed up so that people more alert.
In a 2006 study, his team emulate puddle of dirty water in the laboratory using a mixture of chicken manure, kapirit, and soapy water so that the level of water concentrates pollutants like in nature. Mosquito larva eggs laid into Dalma puddle turned out to be hatched into larvae to adult mosquitoes. Although already proven in the lab, he has never found a case in nature.
Aedes aegypti is known as being diurnal, or active during the day, but the study found mosquitoes bite humans is still up at 21.00. The peak activity of mosquitoes spreading dengue virus occurred between the hours of 8:00 to 09:00 am and 4:00 p.m. to 17:00.
Mosquitoes also have a cruising range of more distant. "The distance flown in the literature between 50-100 meters, but the study in Singapore showed up to 320 meters," he said. He did not dismiss the possibility that these changes caused the process of mutation and the physiological changes due to global warming.
Upik said the government and the public need to know bioekologi mosquito outbreaks so that prevention can be effective. Fogging or fumigation is not a solution because the solution is just a function of insecticide to kill adult mosquitoes. Mosquito life cycle must be broken as early as possible.
"Mosquitoes lay their eggs on the water surface. If the bath a week is not used for example, there is a black plaque on the walls when viewed with a magnifying glass is actually a row of eggs, "explains Upik. After the next 2-3 days, the eggs hatch into larvae. Eggs did not hatch due to dry can remain for months and will hatch once exposed to water, the larva, until ddewasa.
Adult mosquitoes that suck blood of patients with DHF will carry the virus, which has an incubation period of between 8-10 days in the mosquito's body. If a mosquito bites a healthy person, the virus was transmitted.
"However, any parasites that do not have the same behavior, we must know the weak points," said Upik. Behavior of mosquitoes in one area may also differ from other regions. unfortunately, during this research is still very limited local
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Exercise room Proven Open With Many Trees Improve Mental and Physical Health
Exercise room Proven Open With Many Trees Improve Mental and Physical Health
A research suggests, the sport for five minutes in the park or green space can improve mood (mood) and mental health. The study was published in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology.
In the study, Professor Jules Pretty and Jo Barton of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Environment and Society, Department of Biological Sciences University of Essex UK, explains that performing physical activity in the park (green open space) can reduce the risk of mental illness and improve health.
According to researchers, until now no one knows how long to spend time in the green room to get health benefits.
"For the first time, in the scientific literature we have been able to show that there is a relationship between the two, in which the positive effects of nature are very good for the mental health of humans," says Pretty.
Researchers analyzed 1252 people (of various ages, gender and mental health status) taken from the ten studies in the UK. The authors were able to show that activity in the green space (natural) led to an improvement of mental and physical health.
Activity is quite diverse and simple as walking, gardening, cycling, fishing, horseback riding and farming. The biggest health changes occur in young people and those with mental disorders, although people of all ages and social groups also benefited.
According to researchers, all green natural environment that can provide benefits, including parks in urban areas.
"We know that mental health improvement in the short term will provide long-term benefits of health protection. So we believe that there will be huge benefits for individuals, communities and health services if all groups of people want to treat yourself with a green sport, "added Barton.
A research suggests, the sport for five minutes in the park or green space can improve mood (mood) and mental health. The study was published in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology.
In the study, Professor Jules Pretty and Jo Barton of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Environment and Society, Department of Biological Sciences University of Essex UK, explains that performing physical activity in the park (green open space) can reduce the risk of mental illness and improve health.
According to researchers, until now no one knows how long to spend time in the green room to get health benefits.
"For the first time, in the scientific literature we have been able to show that there is a relationship between the two, in which the positive effects of nature are very good for the mental health of humans," says Pretty.
Researchers analyzed 1252 people (of various ages, gender and mental health status) taken from the ten studies in the UK. The authors were able to show that activity in the green space (natural) led to an improvement of mental and physical health.
Activity is quite diverse and simple as walking, gardening, cycling, fishing, horseback riding and farming. The biggest health changes occur in young people and those with mental disorders, although people of all ages and social groups also benefited.
According to researchers, all green natural environment that can provide benefits, including parks in urban areas.
"We know that mental health improvement in the short term will provide long-term benefits of health protection. So we believe that there will be huge benefits for individuals, communities and health services if all groups of people want to treat yourself with a green sport, "added Barton.
Xerostomia Tip: Symptoms & 4 Ways to Relieve Dry Mouth
Xerostomia Tip: Symptoms & 4 Ways to Relieve Dry Mouth
Dry mouth, or which is also known as xerostomia, is reported to affect at least a third of the population.
There are two main causes of xerostomia. The first is age. Saliva production decreases with age.
The second cause is the most common treatment. Various types of drugs have side effects that cause dry mouth.
Many of the drugs began to allergies to high blood pressure cause xerostomia.
There are also other possible causes of dry mouth include dehydration, chemotherapy, Sjögrens Syndrome, Parkinson's, diabetes and various autoimmune diseases.
Normal adults produce between four to six cups of saliva daily.
If your mouth produces less than four cups of saliva, a number of unpleasant side effects may arise.
Some of the symptoms include:
• mild to severe dryness in the mouth
• burning sensation on the tongue and / or oral tissues
• Bad breath
• Gum disease
• Increased tooth decay
• Difficulty eating dry food
• Changes in taste
• Break in pieces on the corners of the mouth
• Difficulty swallowing
If you suffer from xerostamia, there are a number of strategies that can be applied to reduce symptoms, including:
• Drink 8 glasses of water or more every day
• Avoid alcohol, including alcohol-based mouthwash mouth
• Avoid tobacco, caffeine, carbonated drinks and spicy foods
• Use the product or spray for dry mouth
If the effects of dry mouth from medication, berkonslutasi to your doctor about alternative treatment could be a way out.
But if dry mouth does not go away, further tests are necessary to detect other possible causes such as autoimmune diseases.
Dry mouth, or which is also known as xerostomia, is reported to affect at least a third of the population.
There are two main causes of xerostomia. The first is age. Saliva production decreases with age.
The second cause is the most common treatment. Various types of drugs have side effects that cause dry mouth.
Many of the drugs began to allergies to high blood pressure cause xerostomia.
There are also other possible causes of dry mouth include dehydration, chemotherapy, Sjögrens Syndrome, Parkinson's, diabetes and various autoimmune diseases.
Normal adults produce between four to six cups of saliva daily.
If your mouth produces less than four cups of saliva, a number of unpleasant side effects may arise.
Some of the symptoms include:
• mild to severe dryness in the mouth
• burning sensation on the tongue and / or oral tissues
• Bad breath
• Gum disease
• Increased tooth decay
• Difficulty eating dry food
• Changes in taste
• Break in pieces on the corners of the mouth
• Difficulty swallowing
If you suffer from xerostamia, there are a number of strategies that can be applied to reduce symptoms, including:
• Drink 8 glasses of water or more every day
• Avoid alcohol, including alcohol-based mouthwash mouth
• Avoid tobacco, caffeine, carbonated drinks and spicy foods
• Use the product or spray for dry mouth
If the effects of dry mouth from medication, berkonslutasi to your doctor about alternative treatment could be a way out.
But if dry mouth does not go away, further tests are necessary to detect other possible causes such as autoimmune diseases.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Healthy Teeth & Mouth: 5 Tips to Effectively Prevent bad breath odor
Healthy Teeth & Mouth: 5 Tips to Effectively Prevent bad breath odor
Are you looking for a solution to deal with bad breath odor?
Halitosis or bad breath is not good is not fun.
Bad breath odor can make other people become uncomfortable when interacting with us.
In addition, bad breath odor that could damage the self-image.
Eliminate bad breath problem seems easy, but there are many who still feel frustrated by it.
Many people try to solve their bad breath problem by buying an expensive drug, but not all effective.
Here are 5 effective tips that can be done to prevent the emergence of bad breath is not tasty without having to spend a lot of money, namely:
1. Brushing and flossing teeth (Dental Floss) Every Day
Brushing teeth and using dental floss (dental floss) appropriately could prevent the emergence of bad breath is not good.
If done incorrectly, then the remaining food in the mouth and teeth can not be cleaned up and is still lagging behind.
This condition will increase the activity of bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath is not good.
2. Consumption of Vitamin C Rich Fruits
Eating lots of fruits rich in vitamin C can help fight bad breath is not good.
Acidity in fruits rich in vitamin C can kill the anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath odors.
3. Many Drink
One cause of the smell of bad breath is dry mouth odor or also called xerostemia. Therefore, many are drinking water every day, at least 2 liters.
4. Chewing Gum
When you're on that journey and do not find free time to brush teeth or clean their teeth with dental floss, the best solution is a low-sugar chewing gum.
Chewing gum will help to produce saliva in the mouth and helps remove bacteria.
5. Visit the dentist regularly
Some dental problems such as severe tooth decay and gum infection requires the expertise of the dentist.
Visiting the dentist regularly, at least 6 months is one way to prevent the emergence of the problem of bad breath that smells.
Are you looking for a solution to deal with bad breath odor?
Halitosis or bad breath is not good is not fun.
Bad breath odor can make other people become uncomfortable when interacting with us.
In addition, bad breath odor that could damage the self-image.
Eliminate bad breath problem seems easy, but there are many who still feel frustrated by it.
Many people try to solve their bad breath problem by buying an expensive drug, but not all effective.
Here are 5 effective tips that can be done to prevent the emergence of bad breath is not tasty without having to spend a lot of money, namely:
1. Brushing and flossing teeth (Dental Floss) Every Day
Brushing teeth and using dental floss (dental floss) appropriately could prevent the emergence of bad breath is not good.
If done incorrectly, then the remaining food in the mouth and teeth can not be cleaned up and is still lagging behind.
This condition will increase the activity of bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath is not good.
2. Consumption of Vitamin C Rich Fruits
Eating lots of fruits rich in vitamin C can help fight bad breath is not good.
Acidity in fruits rich in vitamin C can kill the anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath odors.
3. Many Drink
One cause of the smell of bad breath is dry mouth odor or also called xerostemia. Therefore, many are drinking water every day, at least 2 liters.
4. Chewing Gum
When you're on that journey and do not find free time to brush teeth or clean their teeth with dental floss, the best solution is a low-sugar chewing gum.
Chewing gum will help to produce saliva in the mouth and helps remove bacteria.
5. Visit the dentist regularly
Some dental problems such as severe tooth decay and gum infection requires the expertise of the dentist.
Visiting the dentist regularly, at least 6 months is one way to prevent the emergence of the problem of bad breath that smells.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Oral Health Tip: Know the 5 Causes Xerostomia (Dry Mouth)
Oral Health Tip: Know the 5 Causes Xerostomia (Dry Mouth)
Xerostomia, or better known as dry mouth, not a disease.
Xerostomia is a symptom of various diseases or other health conditions.
This condition causes the production of saliva is reduced or even nonexistent.
Saliva serves to moisten the mouth, helping to swallow, and taste food. Saliva also helps prevent the formation of dental plaque caused by food.
In addition, saliva also help neutralize mouth acids that harm tooth enamel.
Xerostomia may occur for several reasons.
Here are the 5 most common causes of which often cause xerostomia:
1. Drug Side Effects
The drugs are the most common cause of xerostomia. Hundreds of medications can cause dry mouth.
Including the painkillers, drugs for depression, flu medicine, muscle spasm drugs, and drug allergies.
Elderly people often take many drugs, including drugs that may cause dry mouth. Therefore, many of those who experience dry mouth conditions.
2. Complications of Infectious Diseases and
Some diseases associated with dry mouth. Among them are diabetes, anemia, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, and HIV infection.
Xerostomia also occurs in Sjogren's syndrome. In this condition, the body's antibodies attack the salivary glands and tear glands.
Some viral infections, such as mumps, also affect saliva production and cause xerostomia.
3. Dehydration
Any condition that causes loss of body fluids can also cause xerostomia.
These conditions include fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, or loss of water through the skin due to burns.
4. Radiation Therapy
Xerostomia is a common side effect due to radiation therapy to treat cancer in the head and neck.
5. Salivary gland removal surgery
If there is a large swelling in the salivary gland, surgical removal of the gland may be done. If the salivary glands diangakat, then of course will cease production of saliva.
Xerostomia, or better known as dry mouth, not a disease.
Xerostomia is a symptom of various diseases or other health conditions.
This condition causes the production of saliva is reduced or even nonexistent.
Saliva serves to moisten the mouth, helping to swallow, and taste food. Saliva also helps prevent the formation of dental plaque caused by food.
In addition, saliva also help neutralize mouth acids that harm tooth enamel.
Xerostomia may occur for several reasons.
Here are the 5 most common causes of which often cause xerostomia:
1. Drug Side Effects
The drugs are the most common cause of xerostomia. Hundreds of medications can cause dry mouth.
Including the painkillers, drugs for depression, flu medicine, muscle spasm drugs, and drug allergies.
Elderly people often take many drugs, including drugs that may cause dry mouth. Therefore, many of those who experience dry mouth conditions.
2. Complications of Infectious Diseases and
Some diseases associated with dry mouth. Among them are diabetes, anemia, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, and HIV infection.
Xerostomia also occurs in Sjogren's syndrome. In this condition, the body's antibodies attack the salivary glands and tear glands.
Some viral infections, such as mumps, also affect saliva production and cause xerostomia.
3. Dehydration
Any condition that causes loss of body fluids can also cause xerostomia.
These conditions include fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, or loss of water through the skin due to burns.
4. Radiation Therapy
Xerostomia is a common side effect due to radiation therapy to treat cancer in the head and neck.
5. Salivary gland removal surgery
If there is a large swelling in the salivary gland, surgical removal of the gland may be done. If the salivary glands diangakat, then of course will cease production of saliva.
Xerostomia Tips : Know the Symptoms & Prevention of Dry Mouth
Xerostomia Tips : Know the Symptoms & Prevention of Dry Mouth
Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia is a condition that affects about one in four to five adults, especially women.
Dry mouth (xerostomia) is caused mainly due to lack of saliva to keep the mouth wet.
Due to the reduced secretion of saliva from the salivary glands, thus causing this condition.
Xerostomia usually occurs in young adulthood (approximately 20 years) and elderly (60-80 years).
Here are 6 common symptoms of xerostomia:
1. Sticky, dry feeling in the mouth and tongue
2. Chapped lips
3. Difficulty in chewing, swallowing, tasting, or speaking
4. Mouth sores
5. Bad breath
6. Dentures are so uncomfortable Saliva helps in chewing, swallowing and digesting food. Saliva also protects teeth from decay by washing food scraps, sugar and acids produced by bacteria.
When the lack of saliva, such as dry mouth conditions, then this condition can lead to health risks as follows:
1. Less saliva will decrease the pH of the mouth (the mouth more acidic) thus increasing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath and mouth infections.
2. Dry mouth can cause a burning sensation or pain in the mouth or throat; decreased sensitivity to the taste of food; dentures become loose; difficulty in chewing, swallowing and even speaking.
The following actions can prevent the condition of dry mouth or xerostomia:
1. Sleeping with mouth open cause dry mouth in the morning. As much as possible to nose breathe while sleeping.
2. Using a dry mouth deterrent products. For more safe, consult a physician regarding the most appropriate product.
3. Maintaining oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and gargle regularly. Use also floss the teeth (dental floss).
4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption.
Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia is a condition that affects about one in four to five adults, especially women.
Dry mouth (xerostomia) is caused mainly due to lack of saliva to keep the mouth wet.
Due to the reduced secretion of saliva from the salivary glands, thus causing this condition.
Xerostomia usually occurs in young adulthood (approximately 20 years) and elderly (60-80 years).
Here are 6 common symptoms of xerostomia:
1. Sticky, dry feeling in the mouth and tongue
2. Chapped lips
3. Difficulty in chewing, swallowing, tasting, or speaking
4. Mouth sores
5. Bad breath
6. Dentures are so uncomfortable Saliva helps in chewing, swallowing and digesting food. Saliva also protects teeth from decay by washing food scraps, sugar and acids produced by bacteria.
When the lack of saliva, such as dry mouth conditions, then this condition can lead to health risks as follows:
1. Less saliva will decrease the pH of the mouth (the mouth more acidic) thus increasing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath and mouth infections.
2. Dry mouth can cause a burning sensation or pain in the mouth or throat; decreased sensitivity to the taste of food; dentures become loose; difficulty in chewing, swallowing and even speaking.
The following actions can prevent the condition of dry mouth or xerostomia:
1. Sleeping with mouth open cause dry mouth in the morning. As much as possible to nose breathe while sleeping.
2. Using a dry mouth deterrent products. For more safe, consult a physician regarding the most appropriate product.
3. Maintaining oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and gargle regularly. Use also floss the teeth (dental floss).
4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Dental & Oral Health Tips: Handling Currently Experiencing Xerostomia
Dental & Oral Health Tips: Handling Currently Experiencing Xerostomia
Xerostomia or dry mouth is not a disease, but this condition is obviously very disturbing.
If experiencing xerostomia, there are several steps that can be done to handle it.
In general, the handling of xerostomia focuses on three areas, namely:
1. Relieve symptoms
2. Preventing tooth decay
3. Increased flow of saliva, if possible
Doctors will usually recommend patients do good dental care. This means patients have to brush your teeth and use dental floss correctly.
Patients also should visit the dentist regularly, at least 6 months. Your dentist also will regularly apply fluoride to teeth.
Patients may be given a prescription for fluoride rinse used in the home.
Treatment is based on the severity of the problem and what caused it.
Treatment with fluoride may be prescribed to help prevent cavities. Artificial saliva is also available in spray form, spray, or gel.
To relieve the symptoms of xerostomia, here are some things you can do:
1. Often drink to keep the mouth moist. Always carry water anywhere to go. Save water by the bed at night.
2. If you must chew gum, try a low sugar chewing gum.
3. Use a mouth moisturizer or saliva substitute.
4. Use a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol.
5. Avoid salty foods, dry foods such as biscuits, cakes, toast, and food and beverages with high sugar content.
6. Avoid drinks that can increase the frequency of urination, namely beverages containing alcohol or caffeine.
7. Avoid smoking.
8. To reduce irritation, use a lip moisturizer and a toothbrush that has soft bristles to brush your teeth and gums.
Xerostomia or dry mouth is not a disease, but this condition is obviously very disturbing.
If experiencing xerostomia, there are several steps that can be done to handle it.
In general, the handling of xerostomia focuses on three areas, namely:
1. Relieve symptoms
2. Preventing tooth decay
3. Increased flow of saliva, if possible
Doctors will usually recommend patients do good dental care. This means patients have to brush your teeth and use dental floss correctly.
Patients also should visit the dentist regularly, at least 6 months. Your dentist also will regularly apply fluoride to teeth.
Patients may be given a prescription for fluoride rinse used in the home.
Treatment is based on the severity of the problem and what caused it.
Treatment with fluoride may be prescribed to help prevent cavities. Artificial saliva is also available in spray form, spray, or gel.
To relieve the symptoms of xerostomia, here are some things you can do:
1. Often drink to keep the mouth moist. Always carry water anywhere to go. Save water by the bed at night.
2. If you must chew gum, try a low sugar chewing gum.
3. Use a mouth moisturizer or saliva substitute.
4. Use a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol.
5. Avoid salty foods, dry foods such as biscuits, cakes, toast, and food and beverages with high sugar content.
6. Avoid drinks that can increase the frequency of urination, namely beverages containing alcohol or caffeine.
7. Avoid smoking.
8. To reduce irritation, use a lip moisturizer and a toothbrush that has soft bristles to brush your teeth and gums.
Banana Flour Of Leather, Food Cheap and Very Rich Nutrition
Banana Flour Of Leather, Food Cheap and Very Rich Nutrition
Banana peel is often thrown away in any place. If carelessly discarded, then the banana peel can make people slip.
However, three students of biology Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya after conducting a series of studies have found that banana peel results can not be underestimated.
"Banana skin that is often considered worthless goods, it was found to have vitamin C, B, calcium, protein, and fat is also sufficient," said Sulfahri, one of three researchers.
Seeing the content of useful substances is high enough, then he and two colleagues were trying to make snacks of banana skin material.
"Initially, we only manufacture chips banana peel, but eventually the idea arose to make flour from banana skin," he said.
Students of 2007, said the banana flour was finally used as a raw material sponge cake. Despite repeatedly failed, but eventually they found the right formula to make the cake of a banana skin.
"If calculated more than 50 times, but we are now satisfied with the cake recipe that we have," he said.
Banana skin match made flour is a type of plantain, plantain skin is thicker than other types of bananas.
Sulfahri works and two colleagues was one of the innovative work that was selected in the screening for "Biological Opus Fair"
Eight innovative products on display are the works entitled "Utilization of Banana Fruit Leather King (musa paradisiaca sapientum) in Cake Making Material Bolu" (the work of the Department of Biology Sulfahri ITS), and "Water Electric Light Trap (WEL-T) as a Substitute Pesticide Efforts Peningatan in Environment-Friendly Food Production "(paper Resti Afiandinie of Chemical Engineering Department ITS).
Another work is "Administrative Talok (Muntingia calabura Linn) as One Source of New Alternatives in the World of Food" (Linda Fitri Sari from Muhammadiyah University of Malang), then "Potential Suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus Bl.) As an Alternative Food Ingredients (Exploring the Potential for Food Efforts Local) "(Riana Dyah Suryaningrum from Muhammadiyah University of Malang).
In addition there are other works, such as "Solid Waste Conversion Products Being Green" (Sulistiono Ningsih from the Department of Biology at the University of Jember), "Utilization of Microalgae (Phytoplankton) as a Source of Fuel Substitution Premium" (Abdul Azis Jaziri from the Department of Fisheries in the UB poor), "Diversification Dioscorea Flour as Alternative Sources of Food" (Zainal Arifin from the Department of Biology ITS), then "Utilization of fruit and leaf cersen / talok as chips and lunkhead" (Ria of Biology Department of Biological ITS).
Not unlike the Sulfahri, Zaenal Arifin also try to make diversification of food from tuber material uwi.
"Bulbs called latin Dioscorea alata turned out to be food safe for diabetics. Uwi sugar levels are low, but high in carbohydrates, "said student majoring in Biology ITS it.
Uwi processing into flour that did not require a complicated process, even just using traditional methods.
"I made from two kinds of uwi, uwi uwi white and purple which are equally low sugar yield. Uwi coarse grated, then marinated with lime water to separate the grater with the resin. Uwi it could sap water for pesticides that are environmentally friendly, "he said.
Grater that has been dried, he says, can be directly processed into flour. "Flour from uwi can be used as a raw material of various kinds of snacks, like cakes and noodles. Sense of its own flour fresh, so easy to be varied, "he said.
Not only food products, the duo of Chemical Engineering students also carry the work of ITS Surabaya named WEL-T (Electric Light Water-Trap).
Traps for insects in the rice cultivating it only takes one week only. "The idea was originally from mosquito racket," says Achmad Ferdiansyah, accompanied by his colleague, Resti Afiandinie.
Methods of mosquito racket was coupled with the traditional tools for catching moths. Communities often use oil lamps and a basin of water to catch insects.
"The method is also less dangerous and impractical, therefore we use a light shining purple as a decoy insect. Emission wavelength of violet light the shortest, so that the eye-catching insects. So enamored of light, the insects will be exposed to the sting of the electric wires and eventually fell into the bath water, "he said.
According to him, WEL-T was effective for pest sundep. Among farmers, pest sundep very harmful because the reproductive process is very fast and attack the rice plant.
"Violet rays is 800 feet radius, so that for one hectare of paddy fields need 12 pieces WEL-T, but if the pesticide is still more than 300 thousand-a-efficient, because the cost of making only Rp190 thousand, let alone the WEL-T is more environmentally friendly , "he said.
Not only attractive and inexpensive, innovative product exhibits a Java student will also lift the image of Indonesia, since most of the eight innovative work selected will represent Indonesia in entrepenuership in Japan
Banana peel is often thrown away in any place. If carelessly discarded, then the banana peel can make people slip.
However, three students of biology Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya after conducting a series of studies have found that banana peel results can not be underestimated.
"Banana skin that is often considered worthless goods, it was found to have vitamin C, B, calcium, protein, and fat is also sufficient," said Sulfahri, one of three researchers.
Seeing the content of useful substances is high enough, then he and two colleagues were trying to make snacks of banana skin material.
"Initially, we only manufacture chips banana peel, but eventually the idea arose to make flour from banana skin," he said.
Students of 2007, said the banana flour was finally used as a raw material sponge cake. Despite repeatedly failed, but eventually they found the right formula to make the cake of a banana skin.
"If calculated more than 50 times, but we are now satisfied with the cake recipe that we have," he said.
Banana skin match made flour is a type of plantain, plantain skin is thicker than other types of bananas.
Sulfahri works and two colleagues was one of the innovative work that was selected in the screening for "Biological Opus Fair"
Eight innovative products on display are the works entitled "Utilization of Banana Fruit Leather King (musa paradisiaca sapientum) in Cake Making Material Bolu" (the work of the Department of Biology Sulfahri ITS), and "Water Electric Light Trap (WEL-T) as a Substitute Pesticide Efforts Peningatan in Environment-Friendly Food Production "(paper Resti Afiandinie of Chemical Engineering Department ITS).
Another work is "Administrative Talok (Muntingia calabura Linn) as One Source of New Alternatives in the World of Food" (Linda Fitri Sari from Muhammadiyah University of Malang), then "Potential Suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus Bl.) As an Alternative Food Ingredients (Exploring the Potential for Food Efforts Local) "(Riana Dyah Suryaningrum from Muhammadiyah University of Malang).
In addition there are other works, such as "Solid Waste Conversion Products Being Green" (Sulistiono Ningsih from the Department of Biology at the University of Jember), "Utilization of Microalgae (Phytoplankton) as a Source of Fuel Substitution Premium" (Abdul Azis Jaziri from the Department of Fisheries in the UB poor), "Diversification Dioscorea Flour as Alternative Sources of Food" (Zainal Arifin from the Department of Biology ITS), then "Utilization of fruit and leaf cersen / talok as chips and lunkhead" (Ria of Biology Department of Biological ITS).
Not unlike the Sulfahri, Zaenal Arifin also try to make diversification of food from tuber material uwi.
"Bulbs called latin Dioscorea alata turned out to be food safe for diabetics. Uwi sugar levels are low, but high in carbohydrates, "said student majoring in Biology ITS it.
Uwi processing into flour that did not require a complicated process, even just using traditional methods.
"I made from two kinds of uwi, uwi uwi white and purple which are equally low sugar yield. Uwi coarse grated, then marinated with lime water to separate the grater with the resin. Uwi it could sap water for pesticides that are environmentally friendly, "he said.
Grater that has been dried, he says, can be directly processed into flour. "Flour from uwi can be used as a raw material of various kinds of snacks, like cakes and noodles. Sense of its own flour fresh, so easy to be varied, "he said.
Not only food products, the duo of Chemical Engineering students also carry the work of ITS Surabaya named WEL-T (Electric Light Water-Trap).
Traps for insects in the rice cultivating it only takes one week only. "The idea was originally from mosquito racket," says Achmad Ferdiansyah, accompanied by his colleague, Resti Afiandinie.
Methods of mosquito racket was coupled with the traditional tools for catching moths. Communities often use oil lamps and a basin of water to catch insects.
"The method is also less dangerous and impractical, therefore we use a light shining purple as a decoy insect. Emission wavelength of violet light the shortest, so that the eye-catching insects. So enamored of light, the insects will be exposed to the sting of the electric wires and eventually fell into the bath water, "he said.
According to him, WEL-T was effective for pest sundep. Among farmers, pest sundep very harmful because the reproductive process is very fast and attack the rice plant.
"Violet rays is 800 feet radius, so that for one hectare of paddy fields need 12 pieces WEL-T, but if the pesticide is still more than 300 thousand-a-efficient, because the cost of making only Rp190 thousand, let alone the WEL-T is more environmentally friendly , "he said.
Not only attractive and inexpensive, innovative product exhibits a Java student will also lift the image of Indonesia, since most of the eight innovative work selected will represent Indonesia in entrepenuership in Japan
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Latest Study on Cell Phone Use and Brain Cancer
Latest Study on Cell Phone Use and Brain Cancer
Proving a abrogating in science is really, absolutely harder — and that may able-bodied be the assignment that advisers aggravating to appraise the potentially baleful furnishings of corpuscle buzz use may accept afore them.
To wit: in a new abstraction appear in the BMJ, European advisers — searching at added than 300,000 Danes who had acclimated corpuscle phones — assured that there was no affirmation to advance that application a corpuscle buzz added the adventitious of developing a academician tumor. That was accurate even for humans who had acclimated corpuscle phones for added than a decade, and the BMJ abstraction is the bigger so far to attending at corpuscle buzz radiation and cancer. As the abstraction authors themselves wrote in the conclusion:
In this amend of a ample civic accomplice abstraction of adaptable buzz use, there were no added risks of tumours of the axial afraid system, accouterment little affirmation for a causal association.
Case closed, right? That all depends on your perspective. Added advisers and activists were quick to criticize the study, arguing that it was still not ample abundant to absolutely absolve corpuscle phones. Devra Davis, an able in the ecology causes of affliction and the admiral of the Ecology Bloom Trust, said in a statement:
From the way it was set up originally, this acutely awry abstraction was advised to abort to acquisition an added accident of academician tumors angry with cellphone use. In adjustment for any abstraction of a almost attenuate ache like academician tumors to acquisition a change in risk, millions accept to be followed for decades.
Indeed, that's what makes it so harder to architecture a abstraction that can accord us a absolute acknowledgment on the abeyant risks — if any — airish by corpuscle phones. Academician tumors are acutely attenuate and bang for mostly alien reasons, and they can yield decades to develop. Corpuscle phones accept alone been acclimated heavily for the accomplished decade or so, which agency that abundant time may not accept yet anesthetized for the abeyant impacts of corpuscle buzz use to appearance up in academician blight statistics.
At the aforementioned time, corpuscle phones accept become around ubiquitous. There are added than 5 billion corpuscle buzz subscriptions in the world, which agency it's acceptable about absurd for scientists to acquisition a ascendancy accumulation that hasn't acclimated adaptable phones.
Perhaps it's not hasty again that the after-effects of analysis into corpuscle phones accept been so ambagious and contradictory. Less than six months ago the International Agency for Analysis on Blight alleged corpuscle phones "possibly carcinogenic," the aboriginal official account that mobiles could absolutely affectation some danger. (Earlier assessments by the Apple Bloom Organization and civic accessible bloom agencies had mostly assured that corpuscle phones were safe.) But "possibly carcinogenic" is a continued way from absolutely cancer-causing — coffee and pickles, a part of added accepted things, are aswell classified as "possibly carcinogenic."
The multiyear, bunch Interphone study, which was declared to lay the catechism to rest, mostly absolved corpuscle phones if the after-effects were appear endure year, but that analysis was so abashed that it was harder for either ancillary to accomplish active or cape of it.
The absoluteness is that area you angle on corpuscle buzz risks acceptable has a lot added to do with your alone biases than it has to do with harder science. Skeptics of the corpuscle phone-cancer affiliation point to the actuality that adaptable handsets afford actual low levels of nonionizing radiation — too anemic to accident DNA, which is the way that X-rays and added stronger forms of radiation can could cause cancer.
But believers in the affiliation agenda that the radiation may appulse beef in addition way, and that there has yet to be a well-designed, abiding abstraction that accurately advance how we use corpuscle phones today — which is to say, about all the time.
If you're apprehensive of corpuscle phones, however, it's traveling to be about absurd to actualize a abstraction that would acknowledgment all of your fears. After all, it's difficult to prove a negative, abnormally accustomed how continued it takes academician tumors to form. The acceptable affair is that you don't charge to stop application corpuscle phones if you're worried; there are simple steps, including the use of a active handset, that can abundantly abate your acknowledgment to any radiation.
That's a bigger bet than cat-and-mouse for scientists and activists to acknowledgment the catechism for good.
source :
Proving a abrogating in science is really, absolutely harder — and that may able-bodied be the assignment that advisers aggravating to appraise the potentially baleful furnishings of corpuscle buzz use may accept afore them.
To wit: in a new abstraction appear in the BMJ, European advisers — searching at added than 300,000 Danes who had acclimated corpuscle phones — assured that there was no affirmation to advance that application a corpuscle buzz added the adventitious of developing a academician tumor. That was accurate even for humans who had acclimated corpuscle phones for added than a decade, and the BMJ abstraction is the bigger so far to attending at corpuscle buzz radiation and cancer. As the abstraction authors themselves wrote in the conclusion:
In this amend of a ample civic accomplice abstraction of adaptable buzz use, there were no added risks of tumours of the axial afraid system, accouterment little affirmation for a causal association.
Case closed, right? That all depends on your perspective. Added advisers and activists were quick to criticize the study, arguing that it was still not ample abundant to absolutely absolve corpuscle phones. Devra Davis, an able in the ecology causes of affliction and the admiral of the Ecology Bloom Trust, said in a statement:
From the way it was set up originally, this acutely awry abstraction was advised to abort to acquisition an added accident of academician tumors angry with cellphone use. In adjustment for any abstraction of a almost attenuate ache like academician tumors to acquisition a change in risk, millions accept to be followed for decades.
Indeed, that's what makes it so harder to architecture a abstraction that can accord us a absolute acknowledgment on the abeyant risks — if any — airish by corpuscle phones. Academician tumors are acutely attenuate and bang for mostly alien reasons, and they can yield decades to develop. Corpuscle phones accept alone been acclimated heavily for the accomplished decade or so, which agency that abundant time may not accept yet anesthetized for the abeyant impacts of corpuscle buzz use to appearance up in academician blight statistics.
At the aforementioned time, corpuscle phones accept become around ubiquitous. There are added than 5 billion corpuscle buzz subscriptions in the world, which agency it's acceptable about absurd for scientists to acquisition a ascendancy accumulation that hasn't acclimated adaptable phones.
Perhaps it's not hasty again that the after-effects of analysis into corpuscle phones accept been so ambagious and contradictory. Less than six months ago the International Agency for Analysis on Blight alleged corpuscle phones "possibly carcinogenic," the aboriginal official account that mobiles could absolutely affectation some danger. (Earlier assessments by the Apple Bloom Organization and civic accessible bloom agencies had mostly assured that corpuscle phones were safe.) But "possibly carcinogenic" is a continued way from absolutely cancer-causing — coffee and pickles, a part of added accepted things, are aswell classified as "possibly carcinogenic."
The multiyear, bunch Interphone study, which was declared to lay the catechism to rest, mostly absolved corpuscle phones if the after-effects were appear endure year, but that analysis was so abashed that it was harder for either ancillary to accomplish active or cape of it.
The absoluteness is that area you angle on corpuscle buzz risks acceptable has a lot added to do with your alone biases than it has to do with harder science. Skeptics of the corpuscle phone-cancer affiliation point to the actuality that adaptable handsets afford actual low levels of nonionizing radiation — too anemic to accident DNA, which is the way that X-rays and added stronger forms of radiation can could cause cancer.
But believers in the affiliation agenda that the radiation may appulse beef in addition way, and that there has yet to be a well-designed, abiding abstraction that accurately advance how we use corpuscle phones today — which is to say, about all the time.
If you're apprehensive of corpuscle phones, however, it's traveling to be about absurd to actualize a abstraction that would acknowledgment all of your fears. After all, it's difficult to prove a negative, abnormally accustomed how continued it takes academician tumors to form. The acceptable affair is that you don't charge to stop application corpuscle phones if you're worried; there are simple steps, including the use of a active handset, that can abundantly abate your acknowledgment to any radiation.
That's a bigger bet than cat-and-mouse for scientists and activists to acknowledgment the catechism for good.
source :
More than 1 in Yield Anti Depressants
More than 1 in Yield Anti Depressants
Eleven percent of Americans over age 12 yield antidepressants according to a address appear
Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control. The study, aggregate by the National Center for Bloom Statistics, looked at abstracts from 2005 to 2008. Among the added key findings:
Women are two-and-a-half times added acceptable to yield antidepressants than men.
Humans over 40 are added acceptable to yield antidepressants than adolescent people.
Non-Hispanic whites are added acceptable to yield antidepressants than minorities.
But it was addition award that afraid advance abstraction author, Laura Pratt, an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control. Only one-third of humans with astringent abasement yield antidepressants. "That agency abounding humans with astringent abasement are not accepting treated," says Pratt.
Still the amount of antidepressant use has skyrocketed about 400% in the United States back the backward 1980s if the aboriginal SSRI's went on the market. "There is lots of affirmation that the ante of abasement accept angled from the backward 1990s to the backward 2000s," says Dr. Charles Raison,'s brainy bloom able and accessory assistant of psychiatry at the University of
Arizona School of Medicine. Raison says that while the absolute affidavit for the uptick in abasement are unclear, there is affirmation to advance poor diets and abridgement of aerobic exercise may play a cardinal role. "We apperceive blubber is a accident agency for depression," says Raison. He aswell credibility to studies that advance bistro candy aliment and amusing abreast can advance to depression.
Experts say this abstraction aswell shows added humans are demography their brainy bloom added actively and that the stigma surrounding alleviative diseases like abasement is traveling away. "If activity is like walking on a tightrope, antidepressants are like a net," he says. "They absolutely plan if you are demography them."
source :
Eleven percent of Americans over age 12 yield antidepressants according to a address appear
Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control. The study, aggregate by the National Center for Bloom Statistics, looked at abstracts from 2005 to 2008. Among the added key findings:
Women are two-and-a-half times added acceptable to yield antidepressants than men.
Humans over 40 are added acceptable to yield antidepressants than adolescent people.
Non-Hispanic whites are added acceptable to yield antidepressants than minorities.
But it was addition award that afraid advance abstraction author, Laura Pratt, an epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control. Only one-third of humans with astringent abasement yield antidepressants. "That agency abounding humans with astringent abasement are not accepting treated," says Pratt.
Still the amount of antidepressant use has skyrocketed about 400% in the United States back the backward 1980s if the aboriginal SSRI's went on the market. "There is lots of affirmation that the ante of abasement accept angled from the backward 1990s to the backward 2000s," says Dr. Charles Raison,'s brainy bloom able and accessory assistant of psychiatry at the University of
Arizona School of Medicine. Raison says that while the absolute affidavit for the uptick in abasement are unclear, there is affirmation to advance poor diets and abridgement of aerobic exercise may play a cardinal role. "We apperceive blubber is a accident agency for depression," says Raison. He aswell credibility to studies that advance bistro candy aliment and amusing abreast can advance to depression.
Experts say this abstraction aswell shows added humans are demography their brainy bloom added actively and that the stigma surrounding alleviative diseases like abasement is traveling away. "If activity is like walking on a tightrope, antidepressants are like a net," he says. "They absolutely plan if you are demography them."
source :
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Discovery Malaria Vaccine Tantalizingly Close
Discovery Malaria Vaccine Tantalizingly Close
A malaria vaccine has eluded scientists for decades, but basic after-effects from a appearance 3 analytic balloon in Africa are accouterment hope.
The abstracts advance that the vaccine, accepted as RTS,S, cuts the amount of malaria cases in half.
Overall 15,000 accouchement in seven African countries are accommodating in the trial, which represents the extreme that any malaria vaccine applicant has anytime progressed.
The basic results, which were appear at a malaria appointment hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle, covered 6,000 of the accommodating children, all age-old amid 5 and 17 months.
The developers, GlaxoSmithKline and the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, which receives allotment from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said it showed almost a 50% abridgement in malaria cases in a 12 ages aeon afterward vaccination.
Results from a accumulation of breed amid 6 and 12 weeks old will be appear backward next year.
"Scientists accept been alive to advance a malaria vaccine for 40 years, and these allegation appearance that we are on clue in the development of a vaccine for African children, those who charge it most," said Dr. Mary Hamel of the U.S. Centers for Ache Control and Prevention, who is one of the arch board on the study.
The vaccine is advised accurately for accouchement because their allowed systems are still developing, authoritative them the easiest casualty for the abject disease. Youngsters beneath the age of 5 annual for the all-inclusive majority of the 800,000 humans who die of the action anniversary year.
This year, Global Bloom Frontline News visited balloon sites in Kenya, area 2-year old Philip Ouma was accepting a booster shot. He active his arch in his mother's chest as a plunger with an inch-long aggravate glided into his arm and deposited its contents.
Unlike abounding of the babies and toddlers in this vaccine trial, Philip didn't access into tears or even accomplish a sound.
His mother, Rosemary, enrolled him in the balloon because her three added accouchement had again been sickened by malaria, putting an astronomic ache on the family.
Indeed, the absolute association acquainted the ache in their allotment of western Kenya, area malaria accounts for one-third of all deaths a part of children.
To administrate the trials, the Kenyan government abutting with the CDC and the Walter Reed Army Convention of Research.
Dr. Louis Macareo, who directs Walter Reed's analytic balloon centermost in Kombewa, says this vaccine is altered because instead of advancing the parasite, it seeks to accession the allowed system.
"When you get malaria, it spawns off a avalanche of contest in your physique area your physique produces antibodies that action adjoin the malaria," he said. "What we try to alike with the vaccine is to activate the body's allowed arrangement to aftermath agnate antibodies."
The developers of RTS,S say basic after-effects advance that the accident of adverse furnishings of the vaccine are commensurable to those begin in accouchement accepting added vaccines in this dark trial.
The CDC's Mary Hamel says there was some added accident of agitation and associated seizures in the earlier age accumulation during the seven canicule afterward the RTS,S vaccination, but they were attenuate and all the accouchement recovered.
GlaxoSmithKline and the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative say ancillary furnishings will be monitored over the next three years to advance a assurance profile.
If accustomed for boundless use, RTS,S would be accustomed in bike with added adolescence vaccines, enabling overstretched bloom systems to acquaint it with little difficulty.
And it's hoped that accomplishing could be just about the corner. The vaccine's developers say a 30-month assay of the vaccine's capability will be complete by the end of 2014.
If the after-effects abide positive, the World Bloom Organization says it could acclaim the vaccine as aboriginal as 2015.
Kayla Laserson, the administrator of a CDC affiliation with Kenya's capital analysis institute, accepted as KEMRI, says accomplishing talks are already beneath way. "Certainly, the affairs for it are there to go beeline from analysis that this is in actuality efficacious, to policy, to implementation; all those conversations are happening, so anybody is ready."
While a 50% cut in prevalence would not be a argent ammo adjoin malaria, it would be a cogent anniversary with the abeyant to save hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of adolescent lives.
But malaria ascendancy experts accent that if this vaccine anytime does go to market, it would charge to plan in bike with added interventions.
"Such a vaccine would not alter accurate malaria ascendancy interventions such as insecticide-treated bed nets," the CDC's Hamel said, "but could be an important accession to those interventions."
Andrew Witty, the CEO of GlaxoSmithKline says that if approved, his aggregation does not intend to accomplish a accumulation from this venture. GlaxoSmithKline, which says that it has spent $300 actor dollars on the development of RTS'S, will accommodate the vaccine at 5% aloft the bulk of production, and that the balance bulk will be reinvested for analysis into the next malaria vaccine.
source :
A malaria vaccine has eluded scientists for decades, but basic after-effects from a appearance 3 analytic balloon in Africa are accouterment hope.
The abstracts advance that the vaccine, accepted as RTS,S, cuts the amount of malaria cases in half.
Overall 15,000 accouchement in seven African countries are accommodating in the trial, which represents the extreme that any malaria vaccine applicant has anytime progressed.
The basic results, which were appear at a malaria appointment hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle, covered 6,000 of the accommodating children, all age-old amid 5 and 17 months.
The developers, GlaxoSmithKline and the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, which receives allotment from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said it showed almost a 50% abridgement in malaria cases in a 12 ages aeon afterward vaccination.
Results from a accumulation of breed amid 6 and 12 weeks old will be appear backward next year.
"Scientists accept been alive to advance a malaria vaccine for 40 years, and these allegation appearance that we are on clue in the development of a vaccine for African children, those who charge it most," said Dr. Mary Hamel of the U.S. Centers for Ache Control and Prevention, who is one of the arch board on the study.
The vaccine is advised accurately for accouchement because their allowed systems are still developing, authoritative them the easiest casualty for the abject disease. Youngsters beneath the age of 5 annual for the all-inclusive majority of the 800,000 humans who die of the action anniversary year.
This year, Global Bloom Frontline News visited balloon sites in Kenya, area 2-year old Philip Ouma was accepting a booster shot. He active his arch in his mother's chest as a plunger with an inch-long aggravate glided into his arm and deposited its contents.
Unlike abounding of the babies and toddlers in this vaccine trial, Philip didn't access into tears or even accomplish a sound.
His mother, Rosemary, enrolled him in the balloon because her three added accouchement had again been sickened by malaria, putting an astronomic ache on the family.
Indeed, the absolute association acquainted the ache in their allotment of western Kenya, area malaria accounts for one-third of all deaths a part of children.
To administrate the trials, the Kenyan government abutting with the CDC and the Walter Reed Army Convention of Research.
Dr. Louis Macareo, who directs Walter Reed's analytic balloon centermost in Kombewa, says this vaccine is altered because instead of advancing the parasite, it seeks to accession the allowed system.
"When you get malaria, it spawns off a avalanche of contest in your physique area your physique produces antibodies that action adjoin the malaria," he said. "What we try to alike with the vaccine is to activate the body's allowed arrangement to aftermath agnate antibodies."
The developers of RTS,S say basic after-effects advance that the accident of adverse furnishings of the vaccine are commensurable to those begin in accouchement accepting added vaccines in this dark trial.
The CDC's Mary Hamel says there was some added accident of agitation and associated seizures in the earlier age accumulation during the seven canicule afterward the RTS,S vaccination, but they were attenuate and all the accouchement recovered.
GlaxoSmithKline and the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative say ancillary furnishings will be monitored over the next three years to advance a assurance profile.
If accustomed for boundless use, RTS,S would be accustomed in bike with added adolescence vaccines, enabling overstretched bloom systems to acquaint it with little difficulty.
And it's hoped that accomplishing could be just about the corner. The vaccine's developers say a 30-month assay of the vaccine's capability will be complete by the end of 2014.
If the after-effects abide positive, the World Bloom Organization says it could acclaim the vaccine as aboriginal as 2015.
Kayla Laserson, the administrator of a CDC affiliation with Kenya's capital analysis institute, accepted as KEMRI, says accomplishing talks are already beneath way. "Certainly, the affairs for it are there to go beeline from analysis that this is in actuality efficacious, to policy, to implementation; all those conversations are happening, so anybody is ready."
While a 50% cut in prevalence would not be a argent ammo adjoin malaria, it would be a cogent anniversary with the abeyant to save hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of adolescent lives.
But malaria ascendancy experts accent that if this vaccine anytime does go to market, it would charge to plan in bike with added interventions.
"Such a vaccine would not alter accurate malaria ascendancy interventions such as insecticide-treated bed nets," the CDC's Hamel said, "but could be an important accession to those interventions."
Andrew Witty, the CEO of GlaxoSmithKline says that if approved, his aggregation does not intend to accomplish a accumulation from this venture. GlaxoSmithKline, which says that it has spent $300 actor dollars on the development of RTS'S, will accommodate the vaccine at 5% aloft the bulk of production, and that the balance bulk will be reinvested for analysis into the next malaria vaccine.
source :
Friday, October 21, 2011
Efek Diabetes and Alcohol Consumption
Efek Diabetes and Alcohol Consumption
If you accept diabetes, you charge to be accurate with alcohol. Booze can affect how able-bodied you ascendancy your claret amoroso (glucose) level. It can aswell access risks to your health. Afore allotment to booze alcohol, altercate it with your doctor. He or she can advice you adjudge whether you can booze safely. This area tells you added about risks of bubbler alcohol. It aswell gives you tips for blockage safe if you drink.
Woman sitting on assay table talking to healthcare provider.
How Booze Can Affect Your Diabetes
Here are some of the agency booze can affect your bloom if you accept diabetes:
It can accomplish assertive bloom problems worse. Booze may aggravate ache of the liver, kidney, or pancreas. It may aswell accomplish assumption or eye accident added likely. If you accept any of these bloom problems, your doctor will acceptable admonish you not to booze alcohol.
It can access your accident for low claret amoroso (hypoglycemia). The alarmist helps anticipate low claret amoroso by absolution added glucose into the blood. Booze in the claret keeps the alarmist from accomplishing this. Low claret amoroso is added acceptable if you booze booze on an abandoned abdomen or during or appropriate afterwards exercise. It is aswell added acceptable if you yield insulin or medications that advice lower claret sugar. Also, booze may affect your adeptness to acquaint whether you accept affection of low claret sugar. This may accumulate you from accepting bare treatment.
It can access your accident for top claret amoroso (hyperglycemia). Abounding alcoholic drinks accommodate carbohydrates (carbs). These cover beers, sweeter wines, and drinks alloyed with bake-apple juices or sugar. Carbs accession claret amoroso levels college and faster than added kinds of foods. Bubbler may bandy off your adeptness to adviser your carbs.
It can affect how able-bodied you administer your weight. Booze is top in calories and has no nutrition. If you are on a meal plan to advice ascendancy your weight, you will charge to calculation booze as allotment of your circadian calorie intake. A accepted booze is usually counted as 90 calories or two fat exchanges. In addition, booze can could cause you to feel hungrier than normal. This makes you added acceptable to overeat, which can affect your weight and claret amoroso level.
Tips for Safer Drinking
Your doctor may accord you the accept to booze in moderation. Here are some accomplish you can yield to booze safely:
Strictly chase the booze banned accustomed to you by your doctor. Or use the American Diabetes Association guidelines (see box below).
Analysis your claret amoroso akin afore drinking. Do not booze if your claret amoroso akin is too low or too high. Also, analysis your claret amoroso akin afterwards bubbler or afore traveling to bed. This is because booze can break in the claret for abounding hours afterwards drinking. If your claret amoroso akin is low or dropping, you may be able to amusement it with a bite or glucose book afore it worsens.
Ask your doctor how booze will affect insulin or any medications you take.
Never booze on an abandoned stomach.
Never booze during or afterwards exercise.
Do not booze any booze if you are traveling to drive.
Be acute about what you drink. This agency allotment drinks that are lower in alcohol, calories, and carbohydrates. Options cover dry wines, ablaze beers, or alloyed drinks with sugar-free juice, club soda, or sparkling water.
Carry medical ID that tells others you accept diabetes. This helps ensure that you accept able treatment, if needed.
source :
If you accept diabetes, you charge to be accurate with alcohol. Booze can affect how able-bodied you ascendancy your claret amoroso (glucose) level. It can aswell access risks to your health. Afore allotment to booze alcohol, altercate it with your doctor. He or she can advice you adjudge whether you can booze safely. This area tells you added about risks of bubbler alcohol. It aswell gives you tips for blockage safe if you drink.
Woman sitting on assay table talking to healthcare provider.
How Booze Can Affect Your Diabetes
Here are some of the agency booze can affect your bloom if you accept diabetes:
It can accomplish assertive bloom problems worse. Booze may aggravate ache of the liver, kidney, or pancreas. It may aswell accomplish assumption or eye accident added likely. If you accept any of these bloom problems, your doctor will acceptable admonish you not to booze alcohol.
It can access your accident for low claret amoroso (hypoglycemia). The alarmist helps anticipate low claret amoroso by absolution added glucose into the blood. Booze in the claret keeps the alarmist from accomplishing this. Low claret amoroso is added acceptable if you booze booze on an abandoned abdomen or during or appropriate afterwards exercise. It is aswell added acceptable if you yield insulin or medications that advice lower claret sugar. Also, booze may affect your adeptness to acquaint whether you accept affection of low claret sugar. This may accumulate you from accepting bare treatment.
It can access your accident for top claret amoroso (hyperglycemia). Abounding alcoholic drinks accommodate carbohydrates (carbs). These cover beers, sweeter wines, and drinks alloyed with bake-apple juices or sugar. Carbs accession claret amoroso levels college and faster than added kinds of foods. Bubbler may bandy off your adeptness to adviser your carbs.
It can affect how able-bodied you administer your weight. Booze is top in calories and has no nutrition. If you are on a meal plan to advice ascendancy your weight, you will charge to calculation booze as allotment of your circadian calorie intake. A accepted booze is usually counted as 90 calories or two fat exchanges. In addition, booze can could cause you to feel hungrier than normal. This makes you added acceptable to overeat, which can affect your weight and claret amoroso level.
Tips for Safer Drinking
Your doctor may accord you the accept to booze in moderation. Here are some accomplish you can yield to booze safely:
Strictly chase the booze banned accustomed to you by your doctor. Or use the American Diabetes Association guidelines (see box below).
Analysis your claret amoroso akin afore drinking. Do not booze if your claret amoroso akin is too low or too high. Also, analysis your claret amoroso akin afterwards bubbler or afore traveling to bed. This is because booze can break in the claret for abounding hours afterwards drinking. If your claret amoroso akin is low or dropping, you may be able to amusement it with a bite or glucose book afore it worsens.
Ask your doctor how booze will affect insulin or any medications you take.
Never booze on an abandoned stomach.
Never booze during or afterwards exercise.
Do not booze any booze if you are traveling to drive.
Be acute about what you drink. This agency allotment drinks that are lower in alcohol, calories, and carbohydrates. Options cover dry wines, ablaze beers, or alloyed drinks with sugar-free juice, club soda, or sparkling water.
Carry medical ID that tells others you accept diabetes. This helps ensure that you accept able treatment, if needed.
source :
Thursday, October 20, 2011
More apocryphal alarms
More apocryphal alarms
Women who accept a screening mammogram every added year are essentially beneath acceptable than those who opt for anniversary screening to acquaintance false-positive after-effects and biopsies that about-face out to be unnecessary, according to a new abstraction adjourned by the National Blight Institute.
Using abstracts from a civic arrangement of breast-cancer registries, advisers analyzed added than 386,000 mammograms from about 170,000 women who began accepting the breast X-rays amid 1994 and 2006.
Over 10 years of screening, the abstraction estimates, 61% of women who accept anniversary mammograms and 42% of women who accept biennial mammograms will be alleged aback at atomic already for a aftereffect analysis that reveals they do not in actuality accept cancer.
The anticipation of accepting an accidental biopsy is analogously college with anniversary screening. Depending on the age at which they activate screening, 7% to 9% of women who accept anniversary mammograms and 5% to 6% of those who accept biennial mammograms will accept accidental biopsies over a 10-year period, according to the study, which appears this anniversary in the Annals of Internal Medicine. 25 breast blight belief busted
Annual mammograms were not actually added able than biennial screening at anecdotic alarming late-stage cancers, although a hardly college allotment of women in the biennial accumulation did advance these cancers.
The advisers caution, however, that the baby amount of women in the abstraction who accustomed a analysis of invasive breast blight (4,492) prevents them from cartoon close abstracts about the capability of one screening agenda over another. A beyond abstraction will be bare to assay that point, they say.
The allegation don't appearance that biennial screening is bigger than anniversary screening, or carnality versa, but rather that apocryphal positives -- a antecedent of all-overs for abounding women -- are accepted and "part of the action of screening mammography," says advance researcher Rebecca Hubbard, Ph.D., an abettor investigator at the Accumulation Bloom Analysis Institute, the analysis arm of a nonprofit bloom plan in Seattle.
"I don't anticipate there is any one appropriate answer," Hubbard says. "I anticipate it's a claimed accommodation area every alone woman has to anticipate about what is her accident tolerance, how would she handle a apocryphal positive, and her own claimed breast blight risk." How to cut your breast blight accident at any age
Doctors and advisers accept been debating the pros and cons of anniversary mammograms for years, but the catechism has taken on added coercion aback 2009, if a federal advising accumulation recommended that a lot of women accept mammograms every added year alpha at age 50, rather than every year alpha at age 40.
The group, accepted as the United States Preventive Services Assignment Force, appropriate that screening decisions should be based on a woman's alone accident as able-bodied as her "values" apropos the abeyant allowances and harms of added accepted screening.
Laura Esserman, M.D., the administrator of the breast affliction centermost at the University of California, San Francisco, says the new abstraction validates the assignment force's advocacy and "confirms that biennial screening is the best way to go." (Esserman was complex in neither the assignment force nor the study.)
The added accident of avant-garde blight associated with biennial as against to anniversary screening is "so tiny that [it's] not even relevant," Esserman says. Mammography is primarily advantageous for communicable slow-growing cancers, she says, while fast-growing cancers -- which are added accepted a part of adolescent women, and tend to could cause a apparent accumulation in the breast -- abound so bound that even anniversary mammograms could absence them. Fighting the blight a mammogram can't catch
But Daniel B. Kopans, M.D., a assistant of radiology at Harvard Medical School, in Boston, says the implications of the abstraction are not so clear-cut. Studies like this one that assay ample amounts of anthology abstracts accept assertive inherent limitations, even if mitigating factors such as age and ancestors history of blight are taken into account, he says.
Unlike studies in which women are about assigned to accept either anniversary or biennial screening, the adjustment acclimated by Hubbard and her colleagues can't aphorism out the achievability that the women who chose to get anniversary mammograms are altered from their aeon in anonymous means that may accept skewed the findings, Kopans says.
"The acumen that oncologists accept not been calling for a abeyance to anniversary screening alpha at the age of 40 is because they apperceive able-bodied that the best way for their therapies to cure breast blight is to acquisition it early," Kopans says. "It is, probably, not a acceptable abstraction to set the alarm aback by addition the screening interval." How to advice a admired one cope with breast cancer
The abstraction has some important shortcomings. For instance, almost few of the women completed a abounding decade of anniversary or biennial mammograms, so the advisers had to resort to statistical clay to appraisal the 10-year anticipation of apocryphal positives and accidental biopsies. And a lot of of the mammograms included in the abstraction were acceptable film-screen mammograms, not the agenda mammograms now in boundless use.
It's not bright how the change in technology ability affect the appliance of the findings. In addition abstraction in the aforementioned affair of the journal, Hubbard and her colleagues compared agenda and blur mammography. Both techniques were analogously effective, they found, although agenda mammography was bigger at anecdotic tumors in acutely close breast tissue and estrogen receptor abrogating tumors, both of which are added accepted a part of women in their 40s.
Hubbard stresses that the greater likelihood of apocryphal positives associated with added accepted mammograms shouldn't dissuade women from accepting the tests altogether. "It's absolutely important that women are accepting screened, and that affair or all-overs about apocryphal absolute after-effects doesn't become a barrier for participating," she says.
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Women who accept a screening mammogram every added year are essentially beneath acceptable than those who opt for anniversary screening to acquaintance false-positive after-effects and biopsies that about-face out to be unnecessary, according to a new abstraction adjourned by the National Blight Institute.
Using abstracts from a civic arrangement of breast-cancer registries, advisers analyzed added than 386,000 mammograms from about 170,000 women who began accepting the breast X-rays amid 1994 and 2006.
Over 10 years of screening, the abstraction estimates, 61% of women who accept anniversary mammograms and 42% of women who accept biennial mammograms will be alleged aback at atomic already for a aftereffect analysis that reveals they do not in actuality accept cancer.
The anticipation of accepting an accidental biopsy is analogously college with anniversary screening. Depending on the age at which they activate screening, 7% to 9% of women who accept anniversary mammograms and 5% to 6% of those who accept biennial mammograms will accept accidental biopsies over a 10-year period, according to the study, which appears this anniversary in the Annals of Internal Medicine. 25 breast blight belief busted
Annual mammograms were not actually added able than biennial screening at anecdotic alarming late-stage cancers, although a hardly college allotment of women in the biennial accumulation did advance these cancers.
The advisers caution, however, that the baby amount of women in the abstraction who accustomed a analysis of invasive breast blight (4,492) prevents them from cartoon close abstracts about the capability of one screening agenda over another. A beyond abstraction will be bare to assay that point, they say.
The allegation don't appearance that biennial screening is bigger than anniversary screening, or carnality versa, but rather that apocryphal positives -- a antecedent of all-overs for abounding women -- are accepted and "part of the action of screening mammography," says advance researcher Rebecca Hubbard, Ph.D., an abettor investigator at the Accumulation Bloom Analysis Institute, the analysis arm of a nonprofit bloom plan in Seattle.
"I don't anticipate there is any one appropriate answer," Hubbard says. "I anticipate it's a claimed accommodation area every alone woman has to anticipate about what is her accident tolerance, how would she handle a apocryphal positive, and her own claimed breast blight risk." How to cut your breast blight accident at any age
Doctors and advisers accept been debating the pros and cons of anniversary mammograms for years, but the catechism has taken on added coercion aback 2009, if a federal advising accumulation recommended that a lot of women accept mammograms every added year alpha at age 50, rather than every year alpha at age 40.
The group, accepted as the United States Preventive Services Assignment Force, appropriate that screening decisions should be based on a woman's alone accident as able-bodied as her "values" apropos the abeyant allowances and harms of added accepted screening.
Laura Esserman, M.D., the administrator of the breast affliction centermost at the University of California, San Francisco, says the new abstraction validates the assignment force's advocacy and "confirms that biennial screening is the best way to go." (Esserman was complex in neither the assignment force nor the study.)
The added accident of avant-garde blight associated with biennial as against to anniversary screening is "so tiny that [it's] not even relevant," Esserman says. Mammography is primarily advantageous for communicable slow-growing cancers, she says, while fast-growing cancers -- which are added accepted a part of adolescent women, and tend to could cause a apparent accumulation in the breast -- abound so bound that even anniversary mammograms could absence them. Fighting the blight a mammogram can't catch
But Daniel B. Kopans, M.D., a assistant of radiology at Harvard Medical School, in Boston, says the implications of the abstraction are not so clear-cut. Studies like this one that assay ample amounts of anthology abstracts accept assertive inherent limitations, even if mitigating factors such as age and ancestors history of blight are taken into account, he says.
Unlike studies in which women are about assigned to accept either anniversary or biennial screening, the adjustment acclimated by Hubbard and her colleagues can't aphorism out the achievability that the women who chose to get anniversary mammograms are altered from their aeon in anonymous means that may accept skewed the findings, Kopans says.
"The acumen that oncologists accept not been calling for a abeyance to anniversary screening alpha at the age of 40 is because they apperceive able-bodied that the best way for their therapies to cure breast blight is to acquisition it early," Kopans says. "It is, probably, not a acceptable abstraction to set the alarm aback by addition the screening interval." How to advice a admired one cope with breast cancer
The abstraction has some important shortcomings. For instance, almost few of the women completed a abounding decade of anniversary or biennial mammograms, so the advisers had to resort to statistical clay to appraisal the 10-year anticipation of apocryphal positives and accidental biopsies. And a lot of of the mammograms included in the abstraction were acceptable film-screen mammograms, not the agenda mammograms now in boundless use.
It's not bright how the change in technology ability affect the appliance of the findings. In addition abstraction in the aforementioned affair of the journal, Hubbard and her colleagues compared agenda and blur mammography. Both techniques were analogously effective, they found, although agenda mammography was bigger at anecdotic tumors in acutely close breast tissue and estrogen receptor abrogating tumors, both of which are added accepted a part of women in their 40s.
Hubbard stresses that the greater likelihood of apocryphal positives associated with added accepted mammograms shouldn't dissuade women from accepting the tests altogether. "It's absolutely important that women are accepting screened, and that affair or all-overs about apocryphal absolute after-effects doesn't become a barrier for participating," she says.
source :
Number Kids on ADHD Meds Keeps Rising on U.S
Number Kids on ADHD Meds Keeps Rising on U.S
The use of analeptic medications such as Ritalin or Adderall in accouchement with attention-deficit/hyperactivity ataxia (ADHD) is continuing to climb, although at a slower clip than in decades past, a new abstraction finds.
The study’s authors tracked U.S. decree abstracts from 1996 to 2008. They begin the use of ADHD drugs was the accomplished a allotment of kids age-old 6 to 12, ascent hardly from 4.2 percent in 1996 to 5.1 percent 12 years later.
The a lot of arresting acceleration was in earlier accouchement age-old 13 to 18, however. In that group, use of ADHD drugs added than angled — from 2.3 percent in 1996 to 4.9 percent in 2008.
Advisers said that reflects a greater compassionate that kids generally don’t abound out of ADHD and that affection can abide through boyhood and even adulthood.
Overall, about 2.8 actor accouchement accustomed a decree for an ADHD medication in 2008, according to the study.
“This abstraction abstracts that the use of stimulants has been accretion gradually, but not as abundant as it added amid 1987 and 1996,” if prescriptions jumped by an boilerplate of 17 percent annually, acclaimed abstraction co-author Dr. Benedetto Vitiello, a analyst and researcher at the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health. “Much of the access is due to the actuality that added adolescents are demography the biologic than before.”
Despite worries about “overmedicated” children, the amount of use of ADHD drugs in preschoolers age-old 5 and adolescent in fact fell during the abstraction period, from about 3 in 1,000 in 1996 to 1 in 1,000 in 2008, the allegation revealed.
“There was a lot of affair about accretion use of this medication in actual adolescent children, but it doesn’t assume to be accurate by the data, and in any case is very, actual low,” Vitiello said.
Dr. Andrew Adesman is an ADHD able and arch of adorning and behavioral pediatrics at Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, N.Y. He believes that “pediatricians accept been appropriately afraid to appoint medications for actual adolescent children.” Adesman was not circuitous in the research.
The study, conducted by the U.S. National Institutes of Bloom and the Agency for Healthcare Analysis and Quality, is appear in the Sept. 28 online copy of the American Journal of Psychiatry.
More than 5 actor U.S. children, or 9.5 percent, accept been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2007, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Kids with the action may act added impulsively, and accept adversity paying absorption and authoritative their behavior. Some aswell accept hyperactivity, all of which can accession the accident for injuries and difficulties in school.
ADHD is frequently advised with analeptic drugs such as methylphenidate (best accepted as Ritalin), and amphetamines (such as Adderall), a allotment of added medications.
During the closing allotment of the endure century, analeptic decree use a allotment of kids rose from 0.6 percent of adolescence in 1987 to 2.7 percent in 1997, according to accomplishments advice in the study.
The accelerated acceleration came on the heels of the inclusion, for the aboriginal time, of attention-deficit disorder, with or after hyperactivity, as a audible botheration of adolescence in the third copy of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), appear in 1980 by the American Psychiatric Association.
Prior to that, alone hyperactivity ataxia was included. And admitting abounding kids with attention-deficit ataxia accept agitation with restlessness, not all accept astringent abundant hyperactivity that it would be brought to the absorption of bloom professionals, experts explained.
In the new study, Vitiello and co-author Samuel H. Zuvekas analyzed abstracts from the AHRQ-sponsored Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, a nationally adumbrative anniversary analysis of U.S. households. A allotment of added things, the check asked parents about ADHD diagnoses and prescriptions taken by their children.
Boys were three times added acceptable than girls to be assigned ADHD medications, which fits with added statistics that appearance added boys are diagnosed than girls, Vitiello said.
Use a allotment of white accouchement (4.4 percent) was college than a allotment of atramentous (2.9 percent) or Hispanic accouchement (2.1 percent).
The ADHD medication use amount was accomplished in kids age-old 6 to 12. That makes sense, advisers said, because generally ADHD affection become ambiguous if accouchement access academy and attempt to break focused.
The access a allotment of adolescents may be a allotment of accouchement who had ADHD but were able to get by through elementary school, but again struggled in college grades, Vitiello suggested.
“There is added acceptance that the ataxia does not abandon with puberty,” he said. “In adolescents, the affection become added axiomatic because the bookish demands increase. The tasks they accept to do in academy become added complex. Even admitting they were able to get by in elementary academy and average school, in top academy they become added broken because their absorption is not what it should be.”
The amount of ADHD prescriptions was decidedly lower in the West than in added locations of the nation. Advisers aren’t abiding why. Two accessible affidavit could cover added parents getting afraid to alleviate their children, or academy systems that handle kids with ADHD differently, Vitiello noted.
Experts appraisal that about 60 percent of accouchement with ADHD are advised with medication, Vitiello said, apparently those with the a lot of astringent symptoms.
source :
The use of analeptic medications such as Ritalin or Adderall in accouchement with attention-deficit/hyperactivity ataxia (ADHD) is continuing to climb, although at a slower clip than in decades past, a new abstraction finds.
The study’s authors tracked U.S. decree abstracts from 1996 to 2008. They begin the use of ADHD drugs was the accomplished a allotment of kids age-old 6 to 12, ascent hardly from 4.2 percent in 1996 to 5.1 percent 12 years later.
The a lot of arresting acceleration was in earlier accouchement age-old 13 to 18, however. In that group, use of ADHD drugs added than angled — from 2.3 percent in 1996 to 4.9 percent in 2008.
Advisers said that reflects a greater compassionate that kids generally don’t abound out of ADHD and that affection can abide through boyhood and even adulthood.
Overall, about 2.8 actor accouchement accustomed a decree for an ADHD medication in 2008, according to the study.
“This abstraction abstracts that the use of stimulants has been accretion gradually, but not as abundant as it added amid 1987 and 1996,” if prescriptions jumped by an boilerplate of 17 percent annually, acclaimed abstraction co-author Dr. Benedetto Vitiello, a analyst and researcher at the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health. “Much of the access is due to the actuality that added adolescents are demography the biologic than before.”
Despite worries about “overmedicated” children, the amount of use of ADHD drugs in preschoolers age-old 5 and adolescent in fact fell during the abstraction period, from about 3 in 1,000 in 1996 to 1 in 1,000 in 2008, the allegation revealed.
“There was a lot of affair about accretion use of this medication in actual adolescent children, but it doesn’t assume to be accurate by the data, and in any case is very, actual low,” Vitiello said.
Dr. Andrew Adesman is an ADHD able and arch of adorning and behavioral pediatrics at Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, N.Y. He believes that “pediatricians accept been appropriately afraid to appoint medications for actual adolescent children.” Adesman was not circuitous in the research.
The study, conducted by the U.S. National Institutes of Bloom and the Agency for Healthcare Analysis and Quality, is appear in the Sept. 28 online copy of the American Journal of Psychiatry.
More than 5 actor U.S. children, or 9.5 percent, accept been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2007, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Kids with the action may act added impulsively, and accept adversity paying absorption and authoritative their behavior. Some aswell accept hyperactivity, all of which can accession the accident for injuries and difficulties in school.
ADHD is frequently advised with analeptic drugs such as methylphenidate (best accepted as Ritalin), and amphetamines (such as Adderall), a allotment of added medications.
During the closing allotment of the endure century, analeptic decree use a allotment of kids rose from 0.6 percent of adolescence in 1987 to 2.7 percent in 1997, according to accomplishments advice in the study.
The accelerated acceleration came on the heels of the inclusion, for the aboriginal time, of attention-deficit disorder, with or after hyperactivity, as a audible botheration of adolescence in the third copy of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), appear in 1980 by the American Psychiatric Association.
Prior to that, alone hyperactivity ataxia was included. And admitting abounding kids with attention-deficit ataxia accept agitation with restlessness, not all accept astringent abundant hyperactivity that it would be brought to the absorption of bloom professionals, experts explained.
In the new study, Vitiello and co-author Samuel H. Zuvekas analyzed abstracts from the AHRQ-sponsored Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, a nationally adumbrative anniversary analysis of U.S. households. A allotment of added things, the check asked parents about ADHD diagnoses and prescriptions taken by their children.
Boys were three times added acceptable than girls to be assigned ADHD medications, which fits with added statistics that appearance added boys are diagnosed than girls, Vitiello said.
Use a allotment of white accouchement (4.4 percent) was college than a allotment of atramentous (2.9 percent) or Hispanic accouchement (2.1 percent).
The ADHD medication use amount was accomplished in kids age-old 6 to 12. That makes sense, advisers said, because generally ADHD affection become ambiguous if accouchement access academy and attempt to break focused.
The access a allotment of adolescents may be a allotment of accouchement who had ADHD but were able to get by through elementary school, but again struggled in college grades, Vitiello suggested.
“There is added acceptance that the ataxia does not abandon with puberty,” he said. “In adolescents, the affection become added axiomatic because the bookish demands increase. The tasks they accept to do in academy become added complex. Even admitting they were able to get by in elementary academy and average school, in top academy they become added broken because their absorption is not what it should be.”
The amount of ADHD prescriptions was decidedly lower in the West than in added locations of the nation. Advisers aren’t abiding why. Two accessible affidavit could cover added parents getting afraid to alleviate their children, or academy systems that handle kids with ADHD differently, Vitiello noted.
Experts appraisal that about 60 percent of accouchement with ADHD are advised with medication, Vitiello said, apparently those with the a lot of astringent symptoms.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Shy Teens Has Social Phobia
Shy Teens Has Social Phobia pictures
Almost anybody has acquainted some all-overs afore speaking in accessible or walking into a party. For some people, however, that accustomed backwardness can become so crippling that they’re clumsy to accord a presentation at plan or aggregation up the adventuresomeness to ask anyone out on a date.
Mental-health experts accept a appellation for this acute shyness: amusing phobia. According to the official chiral psychiatrists use to analyze patients, amusing phobia—also accepted as amusing all-overs disorder—occurs if the all-overs humans feel afore (or during) amusing situations becomes so assiduous and cutting that it interferes with their circadian lives or causes them to abstain those situations altogether.
Not anybody agrees with this definition. For years, some doctors and journalists accept captivated up amusing all-overs as an archetype of the “medicalization” of a accustomed personality trait. These critics say biologic companies, in adjustment to augment the bazaar for their anti-anxiety drugs, accept encouraged doctors and consumers to characterization boilerplate backwardness as a brainy disorder, abnormally in accouchement and teens.
A aggregation of advisers at the National Institute of Mental Bloom (NIMH) is now against the allegation that amusing anxiety is artlessly medicalized shyness. In a new government-funded abstraction of teenagers, appear this anniversary in the account Pediatrics, they achieve that amusing anxiety is an “impairing psychiatric disorder” audible from “normal animal shyness” that increases the accident of added bloom problems and requires treatment.
The abstraction included a nationally adumbrative sample of added than 10,000 teenagers amid the ages of 13 and 18, who were surveyed about backwardness and a ambit of added cerebral characteristics in contiguous interviews (along with their parents, in some cases). Half of the girls and 43% of the boys said they were “somewhat” or “very” shy.
Of those teens, 12.4% met the belief for amusing anxiety categorical in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which doctors and allowance companies use to allocate patients. The adolescence with amusing anxiety appear added adversity in their amusing lives, ancestors relationships, and achievement at academy or plan compared to those who were alone shy, the abstraction found.
“What you realize, if you’re on the analysis ancillary of this and you see how abundant these kids are suffering, [is that] there’s just no way this is some affectionate of cabal to medicalize something,” says Kathleen R. Merikangas, PhD, the advance columnist of the abstraction and a chief investigator at the NIMH.
source : pictures
Almost anybody has acquainted some all-overs afore speaking in accessible or walking into a party. For some people, however, that accustomed backwardness can become so crippling that they’re clumsy to accord a presentation at plan or aggregation up the adventuresomeness to ask anyone out on a date.
Mental-health experts accept a appellation for this acute shyness: amusing phobia. According to the official chiral psychiatrists use to analyze patients, amusing phobia—also accepted as amusing all-overs disorder—occurs if the all-overs humans feel afore (or during) amusing situations becomes so assiduous and cutting that it interferes with their circadian lives or causes them to abstain those situations altogether.
Not anybody agrees with this definition. For years, some doctors and journalists accept captivated up amusing all-overs as an archetype of the “medicalization” of a accustomed personality trait. These critics say biologic companies, in adjustment to augment the bazaar for their anti-anxiety drugs, accept encouraged doctors and consumers to characterization boilerplate backwardness as a brainy disorder, abnormally in accouchement and teens.
A aggregation of advisers at the National Institute of Mental Bloom (NIMH) is now against the allegation that amusing anxiety is artlessly medicalized shyness. In a new government-funded abstraction of teenagers, appear this anniversary in the account Pediatrics, they achieve that amusing anxiety is an “impairing psychiatric disorder” audible from “normal animal shyness” that increases the accident of added bloom problems and requires treatment.
The abstraction included a nationally adumbrative sample of added than 10,000 teenagers amid the ages of 13 and 18, who were surveyed about backwardness and a ambit of added cerebral characteristics in contiguous interviews (along with their parents, in some cases). Half of the girls and 43% of the boys said they were “somewhat” or “very” shy.
Of those teens, 12.4% met the belief for amusing anxiety categorical in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which doctors and allowance companies use to allocate patients. The adolescence with amusing anxiety appear added adversity in their amusing lives, ancestors relationships, and achievement at academy or plan compared to those who were alone shy, the abstraction found.
“What you realize, if you’re on the analysis ancillary of this and you see how abundant these kids are suffering, [is that] there’s just no way this is some affectionate of cabal to medicalize something,” says Kathleen R. Merikangas, PhD, the advance columnist of the abstraction and a chief investigator at the NIMH.
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