Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Read the Disease With Viewing Conditions and Physical Characteristics Body

How to Read the Disease With Viewing Conditions and Physical Characteristics Body

Actually there is a clear sign that can be seen with the naked eye when the body got into trouble. Even so, medical testing is absolutely necessary in order to ensure more accurate results.

The health condition of your body can be seen from the sign in all your body. Starting from the condition of the ears, eyebrows, chest, and even fingers. Your risk of certain diseases can also be seen with the naked eye. then get to know some signs of health problems as quoted from redbookmag:

1. Ears that contract
"Over a decade of research, it is known that the wrinkles in one ear associated with an increased risk of heart disease," said Joanne Foofy. MD, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women Hospital, USA.

2. Thin eyebrows
Thin eyebrows can be pertandabahwa someone has a thyroid problem. "Thyroid hormones are made of hair and body hair konsisinya good. if the hair loss or thin, it's a sign that there is a thyroid disorder, "said Sandara Fryhofer, MD, professor of Emory University.

There are ways a simple blood test to know if you have problems with the thyroid. This way, you can easily discover why hair becomes thin.

3. A large chest
A large chest can Jandi sensual. Even so, this is not without risk. apparently, the larger chest size, the greater the risk of type 2 diabetes. These results obtained from a study of 90 thousand women for 20 years and became part of nursing science research.

This type of fat in the chest increases the likelihood of producing a hormone that can trigger diabetes. So, if you have a large chest size, it is not painful when you check your blood sugar levels.

4. Middle finger short
If your middle finger shorter than ring finger, you two have the potential to develop arthritis or muscular disorders. this is according to a study conducted by the Arthritis Research Institute of America.

"The greater the difference, the greater the risk," said Paul Leaveton, Ph.D., one of the researchers

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