Friday, October 28, 2011

Mosquitoes Cause Dengue Able Living In Dirty Water

Mosquitoes Cause Dengue Able Living In Dirty Water

Mosquito species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which is known as vector or virus disseminators of dengue fever (DHF), may be stronger than expected so far. Research indicates that mosquitoes can fly farther, active until evening, and also live in dirty water.

"We've done the research, Aedes aegypti can live in dirty water, no clean water only as long as we believe in," said Dr. Upik Kesumawati Hadi, Head of Parasitology and Entomology Health Faculty of Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University, during a seminar on insect Cibinong Science Center, Bogor, on . These findings need to be followed up so that people more alert.

In a 2006 study, his team emulate puddle of dirty water in the laboratory using a mixture of chicken manure, kapirit, and soapy water so that the level of water concentrates pollutants like in nature. Mosquito larva eggs laid into Dalma puddle turned out to be hatched into larvae to adult mosquitoes. Although already proven in the lab, he has never found a case in nature.

Aedes aegypti is known as being diurnal, or active during the day, but the study found mosquitoes bite humans is still up at 21.00. The peak activity of mosquitoes spreading dengue virus occurred between the hours of 8:00 to 09:00 am and 4:00 p.m. to 17:00.

Mosquitoes also have a cruising range of more distant. "The distance flown in the literature between 50-100 meters, but the study in Singapore showed up to 320 meters," he said. He did not dismiss the possibility that these changes caused the process of mutation and the physiological changes due to global warming.

Upik said the government and the public need to know bioekologi mosquito outbreaks so that prevention can be effective. Fogging or fumigation is not a solution because the solution is just a function of insecticide to kill adult mosquitoes. Mosquito life cycle must be broken as early as possible.

"Mosquitoes lay their eggs on the water surface. If the bath a week is not used for example, there is a black plaque on the walls when viewed with a magnifying glass is actually a row of eggs, "explains Upik. After the next 2-3 days, the eggs hatch into larvae. Eggs did not hatch due to dry can remain for months and will hatch once exposed to water, the larva, until ddewasa.

Adult mosquitoes that suck blood of patients with DHF will carry the virus, which has an incubation period of between 8-10 days in the mosquito's body. If a mosquito bites a healthy person, the virus was transmitted.

"However, any parasites that do not have the same behavior, we must know the weak points," said Upik. Behavior of mosquitoes in one area may also differ from other regions. unfortunately, during this research is still very limited local

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