Sexual harassment can be considered a criminal act. Nevertheless, this event for some people still considered trivial. The proof, of sexual harassment in the workplace is still a lot of these women experienced.
"About 70 percent of women and 45 percent of men have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace," said Amy Blackstone, a sociologist at the University of Maine.
Typically, the harasser will create a hostile work environment, so that victims feel intimidated, harassed or uncomfortable and can not do the job well.
Victims of sexual harassment not only experience stress in the workplace, but also at risk of many health problems.
Here are six health effects of sexual harassment as reported by, Thursday (10/11/2011).
"Victims of sexual abuse can have long-term depression," said Blackstone. In a recent study of 1,000 adolescents, Blackstone found that someone who was sexually molested at the age of adolescence and early 20s may have symptoms of depression at the age of 30 years.
"Victims of sexual abuse mostly have feelings of doubt about themselves. In some people, self-doubt turns into an act of self-blame," said Blackstone. Act of self-blame would have negative effects for mental health, including a trigger depression.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Many studies have found an association between sexual abuse and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as trauma and avoiding people or things that remind the victim in the incident of harassment.
According to a study in 2009 that was published in the journal Law and Human Behavior, women in the military who are sexually abused and 4 times more at risk of PTSD is the same as experiencing a traumatic event in the war. Researchers found that sexual abuse was significantly correlated with PTSD symptoms in 450 women studied.
Raise blood pressure
Sexual abuse increases blood pressure. A study in 2008 involving about 1,200 union members from Boston who were surveyed about harassment in the workplace and given medical exams. The result, about 23 percent of working women reported experiencing at least one incident of sexual harassment.
The researchers found a significant relationship between sexual abuse and high blood pressure in women. Sexual abuse can trigger the same physiological reactions such as stress and is thought to increase the risk of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Sleep disorders
"Sexual harassment is known to be associated with sleep disorders," said Debra Borys, psychologist in private practice in Westwood Village, California. According to him it could be caused by stress and anxiety affect sleep habits. Victims of abuse sometimes wake up at night pondering the incident or event that can be a source of nightmares.
A 1997 study of more than 1,000 school students in Canada shows that sexual harassment can lead to suicidal behavior. This study found that 23 percent of girls had experienced at least one incident of unwanted sexual touch, get comments and threats of sexual assault, indecent acts or experienced in the last six months.
Most victims who have suffered the unwanted sexual touching. 15 percent of whom said that they often attempt to commit suicide in the last six months.
Neck Pain
According to a Canadian study published this year involving nearly 4,000 men and women, sexual harassment can cause physical pain.
In that study, women who experience neck pain 1.6 times more likely to report experiencing unwanted sexual attention. These findings suggest that preventing sexual harassment in the workplace can reduce muscle and bone disorders in employees.
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