Here are some tips to make the sperm to be agile and strong, as reported by menshealth, Thursday (17/11/2011):
1. Vitamin D
A new study in Denmark showed that men with the highest levels of vitamin D in the blood have the best swimmers sperm. The researchers took blood samples and sperm of 300 men for a year found that men with the highest vitamin D in blood, on average 14 percent more likely to become 'progressively motile', which means that sperm can be stretched more rapidly than those with higher levels of vitamin D levels.
"Vitamin D started a series of signals that allow the sperm tail spin faster. With a tail a faster means faster sperm through the outer wall of the egg and result in fertilization," said study author Martin Blomberg Jensen, MD.
In this study, it is unclear vitamin D obtained from sunlight or supplements that can produce a stronger sperm.
2. Routine sex
Having sex (or masturbation) at least once a week can reduce sperm DNA damage than 34 percent to 26 percent, according to a study in Australia.
3. Eat more folate
Men who do not get enough folate, which is also called vitamin B9, producing 20 percent more sperm contain an extra chromosome, which can cause Down syndrome and other birth defects. Eat folate-fortified cereal for breakfast. Spinach and asparagus are also rich in folate.
4. Reduce foods that contain trans fats
A recent study conducted at Harvard University found that men with the highest levels of trans weak acid in semen will have the lowest sperm counts.
Trans fats are bad fats are found in many fried. In the body, trans fat levels are too high not only reduces sperm quality but also lead to various disorders of the heart and blood vessels because it can raise levels of bad cholesterol.
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