Specialist Oncology at the Jakarta Consultation Center, Prof. Dr. Li Zhong Yuan said there are three things to watch out for when to have sex when a woman is menstruating, namely:
1. Endometriosis
When the marital relationship, women will have an orgasm and then the uterus will contract causing dirty from menstrual blood can enter the stomach through the oviduct. This can cause the onset of endometriosis in a woman's body.
2. Infection
Marital relationship will usually lead to injuries and endometriumnya decay, menstrual blood or semen is not sterile can enter the body and cause infection.
3. Can cause traumatic injury in the cervix caused by an infection
Be aware of three issues, Dr. Yuan Li also recommends couples should wait until the woman's menstruation is finished. After a woman has been 'clean', then the couple can have sex as usual.
A similar opinion was also expressed by Dr. Andri Wanananda. Association members Seksologi Indonesia (ASI) was revealed when menstruation occurs the release layer in the wall of the womb (uterus) to then be replaced with a new layer.
"The process was accompanied by a discharge of blood 35 ml & 35 ml of serous fluid. This shows there is an open blood vessels," he wrote in his consulting page for our Health.
When making love when a woman is menstruating, Mr. movements. Happy when penetration of the vagina can trigger the entry of air bubbles into the blood vessel open. "It is feared the occurrence of embolism, the air bubbles are carried by the flow of blood and when the clogging of blood vessels around the heart would be fatal consequences," he wrote again.
Dr. Andri suggested to channel the passion that increases during menstruation, the couple can penetrate Mr. Happy without into the Miss. V. For example with a touch of the manual, lips or tongue couples in erotic zones.
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