A simultaneous outbreak of hepatitis A occurred in Depok, Bandung and Tasikmalaya make a lot of people into a panic. Actually, hepatitis A is a disease that can heal by itself and need not be feared but still overly cautious.
Many who thought all the liver disease hepatitis is the same, but each type is different and has a power-of-mouth and the different treatment.
"Hepatitis A is not too much to be feared but still must be vigilant," said Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, MPH, Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Kemkes, in a media gathering at the House of the Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Friday (11/18/2011).
Hepatitis A is the mildest type of hepatitis compared with hepatitis B and C, as well as including self-limiting disease or diseases that can heal itself when well rested.
Mild cases of hepatitis A usually does not require treatment and most people who are infected recover completely with no permanent liver damage.
"Hepatitis A is self-limiting disease (can heal by itself), so it is left alone can heal itself. No need to be too shocked so. Not to worry, not to be admitted to hospital with bed rest alone could heal," explained Prof. Dr. Ali Sulaiman, SpPD-KGEH of Hepatitis Working Group.
Hepatitis A include contagious diseases due to transmission of viral hepatitis A or hepatitis virus type A (HVA) via the fecal oral route, the virus is transmitted through feces and food or beverages that have been contaminated, and sometimes through sexual contact (oral and anal) with patients .
Therefore, Prof. Tjandra stressed the importance of prevention so that the virus does not spread widely. There are four important things in preventing hepatitis A, namely:
Wash hands with soap (CPTS) at 5 critical times (before eating, before processing and serve food, after defecating and urinating, after changing diapers and before feeding children).
Ie keep the safe food handling hygiene, separating cooked and raw food, cook food until cooked, store in safe temperature, use clean water and good food.
Water supply and waste disposal.
Proper disposal of feces.
Hepatitis A is associated with a clean lifestyle. In many cases, hepatitis A infection never develop to severe hepatitis B or C so it will not cause liver cancer.
There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A, because the infection usually resolves itself in 1-2 months. However, to reduce impact damage to the liver as well as speed up the healing process, some steps will be given following treatment while being treated in hospital.
1. Rest. The goal is to provide enough energy for your immune system in fighting infection.
2. Anti nausea. One impact of hepatitis A infection are nausea, which reduces appetite. This impact must be addressed because nutrition is very important in the healing process.
3. Rest your heart. Liver function is to metabolize the drugs are already used in the body. Because liver inflammation is experiencing pain, then drugs that do not need as well as alcohol and the like should be avoided during illness.
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