The Pass Our Motto
Intensified dairy product advertising everywhere along with the many
people are aware that the product is dangerous to health and equal
completely different from what was advertised. The milk producers must
increasingly struggling to keep them able to release funds bertahan.Produsen
for advertising and finance research objective is not merely
aims to demonstrate nutritious dairy products for children and parents.
Having failed to prove that dairy products can eliminate the osteoporosis
and it tends to increase as happens in countries
milk producers like New Zealand, Australia and so they are now trying
replace it with soya milk. The paradigm of protein and
and especially dairy calcium will linger in people's hearts, and
The goal here is their opportunity to maintain their business.
Whether they realize it or not, but they created a thought
to the community that we lack something, that we need
protein and calcium in the number of so many. Society then becomes
also forget that in fact they are often 'lost' than
'Shortage' precious substances. People have become forgotten and then
become so dependent on supplements and various types of drugs. If
yet they are experiencing a decline in health due to the supplement, or they
experiencing a bad reaction due to the supplement, they will think
that the process of cleansing toxins and will return gradually become better,
or if not that, they just would never think that
supplements that actually caused it.
Here's an article that primarily replicates again to talk about
dangers of milk. (This article was never published in several magazines,
cited various blogs and circulated on a number of mailing lists).
Hopefully the public more aware and cautious in buying food or
any supplements. A healthy body does not need drugs or supplements. Only the
pain that needs to physicians and the drug is not it?
Let us eat more raw foods and organic and staying healthy
all time without drugs and without supplements!
Hail is always safe and sound!
Healthy Four Five Perfect
Unexpected afternoon, two years ago, I met up with one
a former minister of education in Indonesia, which is still active
persevere, diligently observe the school curriculum. Surprisingly, the meeting
It happened at a restaurant that only provide plant foods
(Vegan) in Jakarta. Said some of the staff of the restaurant, the father of former minister
It had been several times to come.
Necessarily immediately greeted me with great surprise, "the father of a
vegetarian? "and he replied," yes ".
"But, why education curriculum advocated treatment" four healthy
five perfect "?" I asked further.
"Ga, ga, never mentioned about four of five perfectly healthy
in the curriculum. Take a look at the curriculum again ...! "He asserted.
Oooo, is that it? But why in the school are still taught about the Four
Five Perfect Health?
"That's another problem, just ask the respective schools. Contact the minister
health to immediately fix all of that, "he said.
Healthy Four Five Perfect is an understanding rooted in the community
and the medical world. Many people do not realize that this slogan is a product
the producers and industrialists who forget the environmental and health
the human body itself. Health lessons are given by
warfare systems and resistance. Rarely or almost never exist
education about the body's ability to restore itself, or on the levels
toxins in the food supply.
Since the first half, they are equipped with knowledge about the disease
and drugs, so everyone, even those not in the medical world too, will
always ask: "I'm sick of this, what is the medicine?" They always want to
quickly "cured" even though unconsciously they accumulate toxins into
in another body and one day will explode into other diseases
more severe.
This kind of thinking also makes a lot of people are learning to be
rawfoodist then think too much about the "super food" or
"Supplement", that is because they feel less nutrition or lack of
something. Not infrequently the raw food expert and also expose the
an excess of food (fruit or certain vegetables) and said that
the food was super and all-powerful, but unfortunately the food was didapatka
nnya in packaging, and later we know, it turns out they also
motivated by a particular business.
Clearly, the observer and raw food beginner, do not be too worried
with nutrition, because actually we have to reduce toxins that enter the
in our bodies in very many and the enzymes in
raw foods that are very useful as a catalyst in the absorption
protein and other nutrients useful to the body.
Avoid supplements!
It is very ironic, milk is a staple supplement in almost all
existing hospitals in the world. Though milk is a form of
"Food" the most difficult to digest. Casein, which forms 80% protein
that is in the milk, immediately upon entering the clot into a single
the stomach.
Moreover, milk cans, the air mixes with the fat in our time
stir it so that it becomes oxidized fats and produce a radical
Smoking is very bad effect on the body.
The quality of protein in milk also changes due to heating (pasteurization)
is high.
According to Prof. Hiromi Shinya, a doctor who had examined the stomach
and intestines more than 300,000 people and is the Head of Endoscopic Surgery Unit
at Beth Israel Medical Center, milk is an outstanding type of food
the worst. Prof. Shinya also said that if the calf
only given a newborn calf milk cans then it will die in
four to five days.
Some other facts about milk expressed by Prof Shinya is:
- Milk actually causes osteoporosis
- Pregnant women who drink milk will cause their children
mempunai tendency to suffer from atopic dermatitis (skin inflammation)
- Lactobacilli at Yoghourt actually disrupt state flora in
in the stomach because it really is the enzyme lactase that is not
needed by adults and even it will mess up her body.
If we drink every day Yoghourt can be ascertained that the smell of dirt and
gas will become increasingly sharp and intestinal environment becomes increasingly severe.
Eliminate slogans Four Five Perfect Health! Forget the "super food", avoid
Let us go back to nature! Go back and try to eat raw food
for organic!
(Raw foods are referred to here are fresh fruits and vegetables (which
heated no more than 45 0C) and whole grains, nuts, fruit
fresh or dried. Meat, eggs, fish and milk does not include group
Raw foods are not heated though, because everything was already
into "junk" or "carcass
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