Sexual intercourse can involve all the muscles in the body and the number of calories burned depends on certain factors including how sex is done and how long it takes to do it.
Any physical activity can burn calories. In general, the faster heart beat, body heat and how much you sweat that comes out, then the more calories are burned from the health body.
While sexual activity is divided into two, foreplay and intercourse (coitus). In foreplay activities such as kissing, touching and hug it while moderate exercise is equivalent to intercourse (coitus) is considered as a serious sport.
Based on the calorie calculator on the activities of foreplay known to the average body will burn 2 calories per minute, whereas intercourse (coitus) the average body will burn 6 calories per minute, but this depends on the weight that is owned.
As an example of someone who has a weight 68-70 kg who had sex for 15 minutes will burn about 72-90 or 288-360 calories per hour. But this may differ on others depending on how long the sexual intercourse, how does the movement and speed of sexual activity.
However, as quoted from Livestrong, Friday (18/11/2011) should not rely on sex as the only form of physical activity.
Although having sex for 1 hour could be equal to the number of calories burned from the practice of hatha yoga for an hour, but still needed another physical activity to help burn excess calories in the body.
Meanwhile, researchers from the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction tells us there are other benefits to be gained from having health sex, including reducing stress and depression, relieve pain, fight prostate cancer and enhance the healing process.
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