Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Detect Stroke and efforts to prevent it

How to Detect Stroke and efforts to prevent it

One of the main concepts of stroke treatment is to provide a specific treatment as soon as possible in the time since the attacks appear. The problem that arises is does not recognize stroke symptoms. Simply remember the symptoms of a stroke of the word 'ALERT' and avoid the 'PREVENT' below.

Symptoms of stroke appear due to circulatory disorders of the brain in certain parts of the brain. Symptoms that appear highly dependent on the part of the brain affected. As many as 1 in 6 people worldwide will be affected by a stroke in his life which is the theme of a stroke-day world in 2011.

This is to illustrate the magnitude of the problem of stroke in the whole world. Stroke is the cause of death number 1 at the Hospital of the Ministry of Health data, and is a major cause of disability as well.

Recognize the symptoms of stroke and stroke patients immediately take to get the best help.

Facial nerve paralysis is one of the most common symptoms of stroke were reported. Facial nerve paralysis caused by interference with the cranial nerve number 7. Ask someone who is suspected stroke to smile, facial asymmetry (asymmetrical) suddenly is one sign of stroke.

Limbs weak
Sudden paralysis of the limbs is one symptom of stroke. Ask someone who is suspected stroke to lift both arms simultaneously. If there is a lag of motion that are sudden, then it is a symptom of stroke.

Sensibility or sense of touch disturbed half
Impaired sense of numbness or tingling in the form of half of the body or one limb that occurs suddenly as a symptom of stroke should be suspected. Taste disorders can be in the form of lost or lack of touch sensation or tingling or electric shock sensation in half of the limbs.

Slurred speech
Talk pelo is one of the main symptoms of stroke. Ask the person who is suspected stroke to pronounce the words with the letter r, for example: jog on railroad tracks. If there is a sudden pelo should we suspect a stroke.

Aphasia or difficult to communicate
Lose the ability to communicate both verbally and non verbally that occurs suddenly is a symptom of stroke. If someone suddenly can not speak or can not understand the contents of the conversation, then it should be suspected as a symptom of stroke.

Disorientation or sudden confusion
Patients who are confused even experienced sudden loss of consciousness should be suspected as a symptom of stroke. If a person loses his ability to recognize people, time and place of a sudden, it must be suspected as a symptom of stroke.

If there is one of the above symptoms immediately to the hospital
stroke treatment is a race against time. If there are symptoms of a stroke immediately ask for appropriate assistance. Proper treatment will give good results too.

Diagnosis of pathology (stroke blockage or bleeding stroke) was determined by examination of at least a CT scan of the head. Handling is good in the beginning is expected to produce good results as well.

Tips Prevent Stroke

Days of stroke worldwide is a day with messages every day 'Stroke is preventable and treatable stroke'. One of the prevention of stroke is a stroke risk factor control. The following are tips 'PREVENT STROKE'.

Find and control stroke risk factors
Know your risk factors for stroke that is in you. There is a risk factor for stroke that can not be controlled and there is a risk factor that can be controlled. Ask yourself, am I at risk of stroke?

Risk factors that can not be controlled are: age, gender, family history of stroke and race. Risk factors that can be controlled are hypertension, diabetes, high blood cholesterol levels, smoking, sleep disorders, and obesity. Discover the risk factors that exist in you and control your.

Get rid of cigarettes
Smoking is proven to increase the risk of stroke and other vascular disorders 2-3 fold. This becomes more apparent in patients with hypertension and diabetes. Smoking raises blood vessels and lead to hardening of plaque deposits in blood vessels. This is true for active and passive smokers.

Active exercise
Regular aerobic exercise is proven to help lower blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity so that spared from diabetes, increased levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

Do a good exercise contains elements of Fitt namely: Frequency 3-4 times a week, mild to moderate intensity, aerobic type, Time (time) 15-20 minutes per time sports.

Monitor blood pressure
Hypertension is a risk factor for stroke proved the most consistent and dominant. Various studies show that 60-80 percent of stroke survivors preceded by hypertension. Keep an eye on your blood pressure regularly.

A person suffering from high blood pressure if their blood pressure> 140/90 mmHg. High blood pressure treatment can be started with lifestyle changes, namely: limiting salt intake, eat fruits and vegetables, stop smoking and lose weight. In certain cases also be given blood pressure-lowering medication.

Avoid stress
Stress shown to raise blood pressure, worsen insulin sensitivity and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. This can lead to the emergence of hypertension and diabetes.

Several studies confirm that stress would increase the risk of stroke 2-3 fold. Take your time for a little exercise, read books, listen to music and hanging out with friends.

Do it from now on stroke prevention. Stroke can be prevented if we identify early risk factors for stroke and mengendalikannnya. Better to prevent than cure.

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