Episiotomy is an incision or incisions are made in the tissue between the vaginal opening and anus (perineum) during childbirth. Over the years episiotomy become a routine part of childbirth, but now not all normal deliveries require an episiotomy.
This is because the researchers have found that episiotomy does not reduce the risk of incontinence after childbirth and do not help maintain the position of the bladder and rectum.
The researchers revealed this procedure can be done in some particular cases, as quoted from MSN.Health, Thursday (17/11/2011) a doctor may recommend an episiotomy if:
- The possibility of tearing up the width of the vagina
- Baby is in an abnormal position
- Babies need to be removed quickly
If you need to do an episiotomy then the healthy mother will be given an injection of local anesthetic to numb the tissue incision will be given to help remove the baby and will be sewn back after the baby is successfully removed.
Generally, each of which is used for episiotomy stitches will be absorbed itself. If a large incision or tearing of the pain that appears to be much longer. But there are some things you can do to speed up the healing that is:
1. Use an ice pack or ice wrapped in cloth to help soothe the wound.
2. Maintain cleanliness of the wound, for example by using a spray bottle of water to rinse the tissue after using the toilet.
3. Sit down carefully like a flattened buttocks when sitting to keep stretching.
4. Doing Kegel exercises can be started about 1 day after delivery to help the pelvic floor muscles. Try it for 5 seconds, then progressively increases in intensity.
5. Prevent pain and stretching during bowel movements by using clean pads as bandages to help relieve pressure on the wound.
To soften the vaginal tissue in the delivery process so that it can avoid an episiotomy, some physicians recommend massaging the area between the healthy vaginal opening and anus in the last weeks of pregnancy. This condition is known as the perineum massage.
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