Now this is quite a lot of married men who do not feel satisfied with their sex lives. They felt, intimate activities that no longer can often be done for various reasons, one of them, the refusal wife. Actually makes a woman passionate enough to make love is not too difficult. A woman wants her men to make them feel sexy, desired and appreciated. Here is advice from experts, sex and romance Logan Levkoff, Ph.D., author of 'How to Get Your Wife to Have Sex with You', as quoted by Good In Bed:
1. Perform a Positive Communication At night, the conversation often carried over into the problem of the housekeeping or child. Couples often forget to talk about how they feel and express love to each other. Levkoff suggest, try to speak with a warmer tone. Keep in mind, intimacy is not just a physical touch. So saying he can affect the mood to make love women.
2. Homework To Do
A fair division of tasks, that's what she wants. If the men want women not stressed and more relaxed, help them with chores. When the load is divided suda woman with you, believe me, his passion sure to come. According to a study published in the Journal of Family Issues in 2009, the fair division of tasks between partners, the more often they made love.3. Cuddling, foreplay Best in the Morning Start by embracing the woman in the morning, if you want to make the mood to make love that night. Research shows hugged for 30 seconds can increase the amount of the hormone oxytocin in the body. Hormones can make a person feel happier. With a hug for at least 10 seconds, the husband and wife can make them feel loved.4. Think Like The Dating Often men want to immediately get the main menu when having sex with their partner. They also speed up the foreplay and it makes women less passionate. Women want their partners to do things like when the old courtship. Those times, you and he seemed always wanted to kiss and touch each other, without making love.
5. Erotic Exploration Zone Some men just touched his wife in the area of the body-that's just when do foreplay. Though not necessarily the area is still able to make a woman excited. Try exploration zone partner's body. Touch on various points. The women, say it to her husband at any point you want to be touched.
6. Make a Woman Happy Happiness can be physically and emotionally. Logan is spoken of by physical happiness by giving a woman an orgasm. If women often fake orgasms during sex, so he could be lazy to be invited to make love. If women can get orgasms every sex, of course there is no reason for them to refuse sex.
7. Be a Father Not Only Babysitter In writing his book, Logan asked hundreds of women about what makes them want to have sex with their partner. More than half the women who he asked replied, "Be a father. Spend time with the kids." Women love to see their partner bercengkarama with children. Not only that, when fathers play with children, mothers can relax or indulge in a bit. It is not possible after that came the mood for sex.
8. Define the Meaning of Sex Again According to Logan, intercourse with penetration is fun. But that is not the only one who can do the couple intimacy. There are many other types of sexual activity that can be done and can make a woman orgasm, so want to repeat the activity.
9. Not Just for Women Housewife After becoming a parent, especially in women, they can change the nickname, the 'mother'. Panggilang heard it for years, women can not forget that he actually was a woman or if you want to be called 'sex goddess'. Women of course can not forget that they are the goddess of sex, if you have to stick with the task of taking care of children, washing, mopping and much more. So trying to help the women, to make it again feel they are not just housewives.
10. Make a Woman Feel Loved Women want to know if they are appreciated and loved. Maybe all this time you and your partner are each to say the word love, when closing the phone or leave in the morning. But whether the utterance is meaningful or not-should not be regarded as a liability? For women, feel loved is very important, it can change everything.
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