Researchers Sari van Anders, a neuroendocrine behavior from the University of Michigan conducted a study that focused on men aged 18-19 years. At this age tend to be many who start their sexual life.
The study found men with high testosterone levels are more likely to have attitudes that accept to use condoms as well as a protected or safe sex.
"Insisting on condom use may require courage and confidence is higher than having sex without a condom," said Anders.
The hormone testosterone is associated with courage and conviction and dangerous actions. But in the case of sex, the risk is dreaded pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections. This risk makes men with high testosterone choose safe sex or using condoms.
"This shows how hormones such as testosterone can affect a person's attitudes and behavior, including about sexuality," says Anders.
These results indicate men with high testosterone levels or macho to have more positive attitudes about safe sex, whereas men with low testosterone levels showed less acceptance of condom use. Researchers report online in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Safe sex is necessary in preventing unwanted pregnancy and avoid transmission of sexually transmitted infections. This is because the disease usually causes no symptoms so people do not know if he could infect others.
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