But the skin changes associated with it only occurs in the arms and lower legs, and in some cases, the throat and face. In some cases, CREST syndrome can cause problems in other cases and even these problems can be fatal.
The cause of the syndrome is unknown. Manage symptoms and prevent serious complications is the goal of treatment Crest syndrome.
At the Crest syndrome, the immune system will stimulate collagen production that is too much. Excess production of collagen will be buried in the skin and internal organs, thus damaging the function of the skin and internal organs. Therefore, Crest syndrome is believed to be an autoimmune disorder.
Women are much more likely to develop Crest syndrome than men. Genetic factors may also play a role because of the risk of developing the syndrome Crest will increase if one family member who have autoimmune diseases such as lupus, Hashimoto's disease, or rheumatoid arthritis.
In people with a genetic predisposition for Crest syndrome, toxic substances, such as benzene, trichlorethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and silica, can trigger the disease.
Crest syndrome signs and symptoms usually develop gradually, unlike some types of scleroderma are happening fast.
Some of the signs and symptoms of the condition of Crest syndrome may include:
1. Raynaud's Phenomenon (spasm in small vessels of the hands or feet which is a response to emotional stress or cold).
2. Thick and rough skin
3. Red spots or lines on the skin
4. Lumps under the skin
5. Difficulty swallowing
There is no cure for Crest syndrome. Treatment for Crest syndrome focuses on relieving signs and symptoms, and prevent complications.
Treatment may be using drugs, among others:
1. Blood pressure lowering drugs
2. Antacid drug
3. Drugs that suppress the immune system
In addition to therapeutic uses of drugs that aim to relieve symptoms, can also do physical therapy and occupational therapy. Physical therapy aims to help prevent loss of mobility of the finger joints.
Occupational therapy aims to help people with Crest syndrome who have trouble doing everyday activities. With the help of an occupational therapist, for example, patients can learn to care for teeth. Crest Patients can use a special toothbrush and flossing device.
In addition to the above therapies, surgical therapies can also be done, to cope with conditions such as:
1. Spots and the red line
Spots or red lines caused by swollen blood vessels near the skin surface can be reduced with laser surgery.
2. Deposits of calcium
In some cases, a large calcium deposits can require surgery.
3. Death or decay of tissue (gangrene) at the finger
In the development of ulcer cases gangrene, amputation of fingers may be needed.
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