1. More women care about food than sex
A survey conducted on 5,000 people shows that women are more concerned about what they eat than about sex. Surveys conducted in the UK was also found, 25 percent of women think about food every 30 minutes, while only 10 percent of women known to have sex that often.
That's because women are very concerned with weight and appearance than men. As many as 4 out of 10 women claimed to always think about dieting and their weight, and more than 60 percent do not feel like eating in front of their partners.
2. 25% of People Lifting the Phone When Having Sex
British company, MyPhoneDeals.co.uk conduct polls to find out the trend of the use of telephone subscribers to avoid certain situations. One of the interesting questions of the poll is, do they ever answer the phone during sex. Apparently, 25 percent of respondents claimed to have done.
3. Women's ability to orgasm can be viewed from the lips form
Stuart Brody, a psychologist from the University of the West of Scotland claims, the ability of the female orgasm can be known just by watching her lips form. In his article entitled 'Vaginal Orgasm Is More prevalent Among Women with a Prominent tubercle of the Upper Lip', Stuart called the area under the cupid bow (curvature in the upper lip) called tubercule, could be an indicator of female sexual satisfaction.
If tubercule looks full and thick, indicating a woman dissatisfied with her sex life (frequent orgasms during sex). According to Stuart, a full tubercule often associated with high sexual desire.
4. 1 in 5 Women More 'Like' Facebook Than Sex
According to Cosmopolitan magazine survey of 2.000 respondents, 1 in 5 women prefer to give a "like" on the status of your friends, post a funny video and 'stalking' her ex on Facebook than sex. The survey revealed that 20 percent of women choose not to make love more than having to stay away from Facebook for a week.
5. Potentially So Lesbian women with age
Perhaps this is the result of research on the most controversial sex in 2011. A study revealed that sexual orientation tends to be a woman in a gray area. Researchers at Boise State University found that in a group of heterosexual women, 60 percent are known to be physically attracted to another woman. While 45 percent of women claimed to have a date with fellow women, and 50 percent had sex with same-sex fantasies.
6. Computer Games Enthusiasts Women Sex More Often
Women enthusiast games on Facebook, cell phone, or computer iPad reported more frequent sex than women who are not fans of games. It was revealed from Harris Interactive conducted the research, service provider survey for a game company GameHouse.
Not only more frequent sex, but they also tend to commit to a serious love affair. As many as 64 percent of women who like online games have been married or dating in the long term. Calculated from a scale of 1 - 10 (value 10 means very satisfied), 71 percent are counting their love affair with a score of 6 or more.
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