Woman who was not identified the victim of malpractice is a surgeon who performed illegal in Miami, Oneal Ron Morris (30 years). The surgeon is a transvestite who open a beauty clinic with a very low cost.
For implants in the buttocks, Morris just put a tariff of U.S. $ 700 or about USD 6.5 million. Naturally, if the clinic and then selling well, because the price is so much cheaper than the price of silicone implants in the hospital.
But in May 2010, a woman who became Morris patients proved that the price can not lie in relation to the safety of his life. Because of cheap pairs of implants in kinik Morris, he was almost dead simply because the infection Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
"Shortly after the plug implant, this patient suffered serious complications," said Sergeant William Bamford of the Miami Police Department as quoted from Dailymail Garden, Sunday (11/20/2011).
The patient also showed symptoms of pneumonia infection atu lung damage, which is characterized by pain throughout the body. He had checked into two small hospitals, before finally referred to the Tampa General Hospital in a dying condition.
Morris eventually arrested by police in March 2011, after an investigation the authorities to prove that patients were dying because of her butt implants fitted. Implant procedure is not considered safe, but the most horrible is the material used.
In the manufacture of implants, Morris does not use silicone implants like artificial hospital. He uses a secret recipe, which upon investigation turns out the dough made from cement mixed dengna mineral oil and synthetic rubber are often used for the tire.
Once the implant is installed through unsafe surgical procedures, the wound is closed with stitches instead of glue, but with "super glue" that was used to glue the soles of shoes. With ingredients like that, it seems reasonable if the patient then dying.
For his actions, Morris now in custody and will be tried dengna allegations of illegal practice. Based on the police released the photo, it seems that Morris also has installed artificial implants containing cement it into his butt to shape itself is not fair anymore.
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