When a man taking three types of drug regularly at the same time, it faces the risk of impotence increased 15.9 percent. Even if there are 10 kinds of medicine, the risk of impotence will continue to increase to 30.9 percent.
This fact was revealed in a survey involving 37,000 men aged 49-69 years in the United States. As many as 57 percent ate three or more drugs, while 25 percent have to gobble up to 10 types of drugs in the same period.
Research conducted by Dr. Diana C. Londono proves, the more drugs must be taken by a man who faces the risk of impotence bigger. This risk does not include the side effects listed on each drug.
Dr. Londono said the effects of drug delivery that is too much of erectile capacity is significant even when other risk factors have been excluded. This means that even if someone does not smoke or have a history of diabetes, the risk of impotence remains high.
The study, published in the British Journal of Urology International this is not intended to reduce the amount of drug that should be consumed. In fact, certain diseases such as Tuberculosis (TB), for example, it requires one to take many drugs.
Suggestions presented by the researchers is, do not rush to take strong drugs like Viagra and the like if a vital tool of men began to trouble standing. Preview the contents of the medicine box, which knew his complaint that was only because too much medicine.
Here is a magnitude of increased risk of impotence reflected in the amount of drugs consumed.
1. 0-2 types of medications: 15.9 percent
2. 3-5 types of medications: 19.7 percent
3. 6-9 types of medications: 25.5 percent
4. 10 kinds of drugs or more: 30.9 percent.
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