Thursday, December 29, 2011

Avoid Married Men This Type 7

Every woman has a dream to get married. But that does not mean your obsession to build the home had to make you a 'random' in choosing men.

Before deciding to settle down, you'll want to know more in a man who was close to you at this time. Because there is some kind of guy that you should avoid to marry.

1. Parsimonious Many women who do not mind if you have to pay his girlfriend when dating. However, women also have to consider the man who did not want to spend any money. You have to think about the next life through marriage if the man stingy with later. What happens if you have a husband who does not want to spend any money at all or very calculating in managing finances? Because in every relationship, you and he have shared, in various ways, including financial.

2. Control Some people have the attitude it easier to take over and make decisions. Sometimes it is fun for the kind of woman that wishy-washy. But the man who likes to control the attitude can be disastrous later in the marriage relationship. If he is too much control of your life, then you will not stand with him. Freedom to express and friends were also disrupted. Better you take back your life than living with someone who likes to organize.

3. Like Lying You can judge he lied from the words that never consistent or he often hid his cell phone. Especially if he has often caught lying. Men who often lie would be difficult to believe in anything, you will always feel anxious to undergo the type of relationship with a man a liar.

4. Poor financial
Many couples underestimate the financial problems when going out, but when the relationship fostered household financial problems became an important factor. If he does not have a permanent job or often squander the money, then you should be suspicious. Financial bad man show him immature and can not be responsible.

5. Grumpy
According to Lawrence Kane, author of 'The Little Black Book of Violence', a man who could not restrain his anger is a sign that is not good at relationships. Although he had never been angry at you, but if he looks extremely irritable with people around him, to do physical violence, you need to be careful. Most likely he will apply the same to you later.

6. Often Criticize
once criticize a natural thing.
But if the he too often a negative comment to every aspect of your life, then it can have a bad impact on your psychological condition and can make you become comfortable with yourself.

7. Obesesion with Mother
He is very loving mother.
Listening to every mother's advice, consulted her mother about all the things in his life and seemed unable to live without his mother. His mother also had a strong influence in your relationship and him. He did not hesitate to express her opinion about your relationship and him. If you are like this, chances are she will continue to assume your mother was right and wrong.

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