According to Laurie Mintz, Ph.D., author of A Tired Woman's Guide to Passionate Sex: Reclaim Your Desire and Reignite Your Relationship ', makes men behave better in bed just like to teach teenagers to drive. Previously you also must understand how to drive, where the gas, brake and others.
So before making the husband knows how to satisfy their partner during sex, you should know exactly your own body. Not only that, just like teaching teenagers to drive, if you use words that are rude and loud tone of voice, it will only upset him. Husbands, too, the use of sentences and a pleasant tone of voice that he understood and memahani what you say. Teach the husband to be a good lover requires verbal instructions and clear and exemplified.
Make the husband understand that you are not satisfied during lovemaking, as Laurie says it is not easy. But that does not mean there is no way to do it. Here are some tips that can be tried as quoted from galtime:
- Give instructions Husband
Most women can not achieve orgasm through penetration only pair. But clitoral stimulation is also needed for women to reach its peak. Unfortunately not many women who understand this. So the woman and her partner were trapped in the myth of 'a woman can orgasm when her partner to penetrate'.
You now understand is not it, that clitoral stimulation is also needed. Now is the time you make your husband understand, inform and if necessary to show where on the body are stimulated to orgasm you want it to happen.
- Take your time
Men normally takes 3-4 minutes to climax after penetration. While women take longer to get the orgasm, about 11 minutes. But 11 minutes is not only with penetration, but also the stimulation. The time it takes a woman could be longer, if he is experiencing stress and fatigue.
Just like teenagers who are learning to drive, he can not drive well when speeding. Husband was the same, he can not be a fun sex partner if you make love with a rush.
- Never Again fake orgasm
Research shows most women fake orgasms. The reason they did it to protect the feelings of their partner. Unfortunately, your actions can actually worsen the situation. Husband will never learn how to satisfy women if you continued to lie. By telling the truth when you can not orgasm, husband, and you can learn how to climax that happens.
- Talk
In his book, Laurie dedicates many of his writings to make women understand how to communicate about sexual issues with their partner. According to the professor at the University of Florida who has been practicing for 20 years, the couple should start learning how to have sex topiks is no longer taboo to talk about.
To talk about sex, Laurie advised not to do it in bed. If you do, the bed will be considered as the location of the negative, when it should be in there that you can have fun with her partner.
Better to discuss this topic in a non sexual dining table for example. Should also make sure the time is right. Do not invite your partner to talk to when you and he are both tired. When talk began with the word 'I'. For example, 'I think'. Not with the word 'you', for example, 'you should'.
- Show your sense of Satisfied
When my husband was on the right track when trying to stimulate you, give him praise. The trick to show that you love what it does it with or moaning sounds and movements. Sound or moans you spend it well-liked man and could make him excited.
- Evaluation
Couples who have a good sex life often discuss their actions, ranging from about a well-done or failure during lovemaking. As already noted above, communication about sex needs to be done to further improve the ability of the couple's lovemaking.
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