Unfortunately, not many women who know how to maintain the health of Miss V. the right. To that end, the following tips can help you:
1. Rinse with clean water
Clean Miss V to wash the area between the vulva (vaginal lips) carefully with clean water after every urination and defecation. When bathing do not forget to wash it back with a special soft soap vagina.
2. Clean with Perfect
When washing the vagina, do it from front to back. This is to meghindari bacteria around the anus brought into Miss V. After that, dry using a towel or tissue non-perfume.
3. Change Lingerie
Keep the area clean by replacing your feminine underwear at least twice a day every shower.
4. Use Panty Liners
Use a thin panty liners or pads to keep the part of Miss V from excessive moisture.
5. Find the Right Bandages
During menstruation, use pads that absorb liquids well and gently. Avoid the use of pads that contain perfumes or gel. Should look for pads that can glue well on underwear. Do not forget to replace approximately three to four times a day.
6. Hand Washing
Always wash hands before touching your vagina.
7. Cotton Knickers
Pants in cotton is better because it absorbs liquids faster. Avoid panties made from nylon or polyester that will make the heat so that the vagina becomes moist, well-liked condition is bacteria and fungus to breed.
8. Personal Towel
Do not share towels if you do not want to share germs with others.
9. Clean Pubic Area
Clean pubic hair in about Miss V on a regular basis to reduce excess moisture.
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