Thursday, December 15, 2011

Diseases That Make Fast Tired

All day activity can indeed make people tired, but if tired of attacking all the time then there are several types of diseases that need to be wary of. There are at least 10 diseases that make people tired.

20 to 30 percent of the cause of fatigue is a particular disease. If you feel very tired and weak to walk, work, shower or just to dress, then it could be due to problems serisu.

Here are 10 diseases that often makes people tired.

1. Depression and Melancholy
1 in 10 people have been suffering from depression a certain stage and depression is a common cause of fatigue. Imbalance in neurotransmitters such as serotonin may cause fatigue, apathy, feelings of discomfort in the head and headaches.

2. Anemia
If the level of iron or red blood cells is not sufficient to carry oxygen, the brain and muscles will not get enough oxygen. This is what causes the anemia (lack of iron or anemia) often feel tired, especially when running or doing any activity that involves physical activity.

3. Rheumatoid arthritis and other connective tissue diseases (autoimmune)
In this disease, the body produces antibodies against healthy tissue and cause damage. The attack on the immune system eventually drains energy and makes the sufferer tired. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus and keratodermia (hardening of the skin).

4. Thyroid Problems
The release of thyroid hormones determine the rate of metabolism. If thyroid hormone levels are too low then your metabolism will slow, make sufferers feel tired, skin and hair will become dry and dull, perhaps because the body weight gain is slow to burn calories, swollen legs and heart rate will be slower.

5. Diabetes and Insulin Resistance
In patients with type 1 diabetes (the body can not produce insulin due to damage to the pancreas) and type 2 (insulin becomes increasingly inefficient), the body's cells do not get enough energy to function. Even mild activity can cause diabetics to feel tired.

6. Blood Pressure Problems
High and low blood pressure can cause fatigue. Some blood pressure medications also cause fatigue as a side effect. Fatigue is also an important symptom of some kidney problems, such as kidney failure, which causes high blood pressure and anemia, both of which can be made to feel tired. Low blood pressure often causes dizziness and apathy.

7. Illness With Fever and Infection
Most infections make people feel weak and tired, especially if accompanied by fever. If the disease usually affects the vital organs such as lungs, bone marrow or heart muscle, fatigue may be even worse.

Examples such as endocarditis (infection of the valvular heart), myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle), asymptomatic pneumonia (inflammation of the brain), HIV (as a result of weight loss, diarrhea, lung infections, and anemia), tuberculosis and hepatitis.

8. Sleep Apnea and Problems ENT (ear, nose, throat)
Chronic nasal congestion (as a result of allergies), sinusitis, enlarged tonsils and sleep apnea can disrupt sleep and reduce the supply of oxygen to the body. Eventually people will constantly sleepy, tired and irritable.

9. Heart Disease
Fatigue can also be a first sign of heart failure, arrhythmias (rhythm disturbances), vascular disease and heart attacks. According to researchers at Harvard University, 71 percent of women complain of fatigue a month before a heart attack and 43 percent for heart attack. The most important symptom of a heart attack in people with diabetes is severe shortness of breath and fatigue, not pain.

10. Coeliac Disease
Coeliac disease is a chronic disease caused by malabsorption (absorption problems) gluten intolerance. Gluten is usually present in wheat and rye and to a lesser extent in barley and other grain products. Malabsorption of vitamin B that is widely available in wheat could eventually result in anemia and fatigue.

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