Many things can hinder couples to have children; could be because women who are allergic to sperm, poor quality eggs or sperm that are not effective. About 1 in 10 couples that are difficult to have children, estimated to male factors contribute 30 percent of the cases occurred.
Although men can produce millions of sperm cells per day (compared with 300-400 eggs which she produced during her life), but these cells are very susceptible to 'damage'. Many outside factors that can affect sperm health, and because sperm cells takes about 75 days to 'mature' and ready to fertilize, the slightest damage can result in infertility - either temporarily or for life.
What factors that could kill the sperm? As reported by the Health, here's the answer.
1. Too Hot Temperatures
According to Hal Danzer, MD, a specialist in fertility issues from Los Angeles, if the testicular temperature rose to 98 degrees, sperm production can be halted and the impact can occur up to several months. One of the things that can make testicular temperature rise is soaking in hot water. High temperatures are not good for the testes, and according to a study published in 2007, a 30-minute soak in the Jacuzzi or hot tub can lower sperm production temporarily.
"Because sperm take longer to mature, then the production can be recovered within three, six and even up to nine months," explains Paul Shin, MD, urologist at Washington, DC
2. High fever
"When there are male patient complained of fertility problems but based on the examination, semen in good condition, then the first question I would ask is, 'Have you been sick in the last three months?'" Said Kurt Wharton, MD, a fertility expert from San Francisco .
High fever can also raise body temperature, which means an impact on decreasing sperm production. The concentration of sperm formation can be decreased by 35 percent, as long as that person has a fever.
3. Laptop
Laptop computers also become one of the factors causing the disruption of male reproductive system. According to researchers at the State University of New York, there is a direct correlation between the use of a laptop and an increase in temperature in the scrotum area. Many men are accustomed to using his laptop in a way lap. It turned out that this habit can reduce fertility. The researchers in a study called 'Fertility and Sterility' notes that warming the scrotum more than 1.8 degrees is sufficient cause damage to the sperm.
4. Too Tight Knickers
Men often wear underwear too tight can also be decreased sperm production, although the impact is not too significant. To that end, Dr. Wharton advised to be more frequent than wearing boxer shorts.
"Boxer is more secure than underwear. Not recommended wearing sweatpants too tight for a long time," added Dr. Wharton.
He explained, the more narrow trousers worn men, will be smaller too 'environment' that allows the body to produce sperm.
5. Cell Phones
"A study conducted in 2008 found that men with the high intensity of use of mobile phones (more than four hours per day), far fewer sperm count and sperm motility also slower," said Dr. Shin.
To reduce radiation exposure, Dr. Shin advised the men to keep their phones in the bag, not in the pockets of his pants. However, because studies on the influence of cell phones on sperm quality is still very little, some doctors disagree with the statement.
6. Obesity
Obesity is often associated with increased production of female hormone (estrogen), but on the other hand can reduce sperm counts. According to Daniel A. Potter, MD, of Huntington Reproductive Center in California, this weight problem also cause sexual dysfunction and infertility.
Compared with men with normal or excess weight, obese men have lower sperm counts and function of the testes was also reduced. However, based on studies conducted World Health Organization, that it only occurs in men with levels of obesity are already acute.
7. Cigarettes and Alcoholic Beverages
"Tobacco, alcohol and marijuana can damage sexual function," says Dr. Potter.
Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can bring adverse effects on semen quality and production, while smoking can damage the sperm motility. A number of studies also showed that cigarette smoke can damage sperm DNA and increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.
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