Some foods and drinks known to help lower blood sugar levels. It turned out that milk and apples can be a good choice as a healthy diet to help lower blood sugar levels.
Milk and apples had the same title as healthy foods that contain lots of essential nutrients such as high-quality protein, fiber, potassium and kalisum. This makes both good for preventing chronic disease, one for those who have high blood sugar levels.
A healthy diet can prevent diabetes and prediabetes develop into complications, one of which include fruits like apples dna dairy products in the form of a glass of milk to control blood sugar.
Shortly after eating carbs in the milk and apples cause blood sugar to rise. The body breaks carbohydrates from food into glucose or sugar and release it into the bloodstream. Known glass of milk contains 12 grams of carbohydrates, while a small apple contains 15 grams.
Milk and apples, including foods with low glycemic index value, it therefore causes a slower increase and are at a low blood sugar levels.
If someone has high blood sugar levels, then consume milk and apples are a better choice than other snacks that contain high levels of glycemic such as dried fruit or soft drinks.
For several weeks, consistently chose the milk and apples can lower high blood sugar levels and help control weight. This is because a small apple has only 60 calories and a cup of skim milk has particularly 100 calories.
High blood sugar levels and uncontrolled diabetes will lead to complications such as heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and foot injuries that can require amputation.
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