A study at the Centre for Sexual Health Promotion (CSHP) United States shows, condom use 2 times more often during sex with a partner who is not fixed. This trend was found both in males and females in the age range under 50 years.
Another fact revealed in these studies is, of the 4 instances of sexual intercourse that occurred across the United States, the only one who wore a condom. The report is also published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine also reported that adults over 40 years of the most rarely use condoms.
These data indicate lack of knowledge about condoms and safe sex behavior. The researchers suggest, education for older adults about the risks and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases need to be improved in the United States.
Data on sexual behavior and condom use in America is very much needed by health professionals and the public who are at the forefront in addressing issues such as HIV, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies.
Although not afraid to risk pregnancy, the use of condoms still provide protection against the risk of transmission of other diseases. Several types of infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse such as Human Imunnodeficiency Virus (HIV), syphilis and gonorrhea can be prevented with condoms.
During sex with regular partners, condom is still necessary as a protection if the couple has a high risk for contracting venereal disease. For example if the spouse is often inject drugs, or is suspected often bergonta couples.
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