Here are nutrients that can be useful to enhance the mood:
1. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 will be found in high concentrations in cows, goats and other ruminants and in seafood such as fish and shellfish. Vitamin B12 regulates gene expression, which means preventing things like cancer can occur.
Most processed foods are fortified with folic acid, can lead to obsessive compulsive behaviors, insomnia, and tingling in the arms and legs. Approximately 200-1100 picograms per milliliter is the normal amount of B12. But the level below 400 increases the risk of mental health problems such as dementia and depression.
2. Iodine
Iodine is essential for a healthy thyroid. The thyroid is a gland that regulates metabolism. Underactive thyroid is associated with low energy, low memory, depression, ADHD, migraine, weight loss, infertility, breast disease (including cancer), infections, and heart disease.
The best source of iodine from seaweed, fish, shellfish, shrimp, sardines, eggs, meat from grass-eating animals, and milk.
3. Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral good for the nerves, and muscles. In fact, magnesium has been used to treat clinical depression. Magnesium protects the brain from the waste product ammonia, relaxes the blood vessels, and protects against heart disease and diabetes. Elevated levels of magnesium in the brain enhance memory and intelligence, while deficiencies can cause depression, anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, and fatigue.
Best sources of magnesium derived from green leafy vegetables, whole grains, salmon, nuts, and sunflower seeds.
4. Cholesterol
Eating cholesterol in the daily diet has very little impact on blood cholesterol levels. Avoiding high cholesterol foods like eggs and salmon, it means losing some of the richest sources of essential brain nutrients.
With so much emphasis on cholesterol-lowering action, may be surprised to hear that high levels of cholesterol have been associated with better memory and mood in middle-aged and elderly people are healthy.
According to researchers from the University of Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, higher levels of total cholesterol associated with decreased risk of dementia. The best source of cholesterol, including eggs, salmon, meat, milk, cheese, and lard.
5. Vitamin D
Sunlight can change cholesterol in the skin into vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that controls the expression of about two thousand genes. Low levels of vitamin D is associated with a number of mental disorders, including depression, dementia, Parkinson's disease, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and 17 types of cancer.
Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with lowered immunity. Some researchers now believe that, one of the reasons the body can be sick in the winter is due to get less sun exposure, making it less vitamin D.
Many people now believe that vitamin D deficiency is the culprit behind seasonal affective disorder. Low vitamin D levels increase the risk of both getting depression and severity of depression in older people. The best source of vitamin D, among others, the sun, fish, butter, lard, and fungi.
6. Calcium
Disturbances in calcium levels can result in anxiety, depression, irritability, impaired memory, and thinking slowly. When low levels of calcium in the bloodstream, kalsiu will be taken from the bones, which can lead to osteoporosis.
Disadvantages are constantly creating hormonal imbalance that causes overweight and women suffer from severe PMS symptoms. The best sources of calcium include sardines, milk, yogurt, cheese, spinach, cabbage, mustard, radish, spinach, almonds, and walnuts.
7. Fiber
Low-fiber diets have been associated with increased risk of depression and suicide. One reason is that fiber is an indicator of food consumed, such as grains and plants that contain another important element to obtain a good mood. Fiber also reduces overall inflammation.
Fiber helps prevent blood sugar spikes and insulin, which from time to time cause the toxins out of the brain, so it can not interfere with regulation of mood, memory, and brain growth. The best source of fiber, such as green leafy vegetables, cruciferous crops such as cauliflower and broccoli, beans, and fruit.
8. Folate
Cerebrospinal fluid that bathes the brain has 4 times more folate than banyk blood. Higher concentrations of folate in the blood associated with a decrease in negative mood, and clinical depression. Folic acid has been used for decades to treat clinical depression.
Folate also improves mood by increasing the production of long chain omega 3, DHA and EPA, helps create a compound such as defensins that protect the brain from inflammation. The best sources of folate include spinach, kale, black beans, peas, and lentils.
9. Vitamin A
Regions of the brain responsible for the birth of new brain cells, namely the hippocampus loaded with receptors for vitamin A. These nutrients play a strong role in DNA expression in neurons.
In particular, vitamin A promotes the production of enzymes that make the neurotransmitter dopamine and receptors such as those, which are key players in the biochemical basis of mood, memory, and learning. The best source of vitamin A, among others, liver, egg yolks, shellfish, butter, and whole milk.
10. Omega 3
Omega 3 is a group of essential fatty acids needed by every cell in the human body. Diets high in omega-3 is known to prevent depression, obesity, cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases. The best sources of omega 3, such as fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel and salmon, and meat from animals that eat grass.
11. Vitamin E
Vitamin E protects the fat in the brain from free radicals, especially omega3 fats, DHA and EPA, which is concentrated in neurons. Tocopherol protects neurons is important, because they block the inflammatory signals that kill brain cells. In patients with clinical depression had higher levels of vitamin E were significantly lower.
In addition to protecting neurons, the natural form of vitamin E is also associated with cancer prevention and protection from heart disease. Synthetic alpha-tocopherol has been linked to cancer and heart disease, whereas the complex structure of natural forms prevent this disease. The best source of vitamin E, among others, almonds, olives, vegetables, beets, radishes, and Swiss chard.
12. Iron
Iron is needed for brain cells to produce energy and is essential for proper brain development. Adolescents with low iron levels perform worse on cognitive tests, and infants with iron deficiency have problems learning and concentration at a later date.
As the center of the protein hemoglobin, iron is the base of the body to transport oxygen. Iron is also a core of essential proteins in the body that form in the liver cytochrome system. The best sources of iron include oysters, meat from cows that eat grass, duck, chicken, and liver.
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