'I'm on a diet' so usually people will say to the relatives or close friends if you're on a diet. But it turns out if the diet is known to many people lived, the chances of failure. While most diet dirahasikan more successful.
That people who can keep his diet have better opportunities and greater to achieve what became the goal.
Researchers conducted four studies that focused on how the goals and plans can affect a person's thinking and behavior. Obtained if the participant expressed his intention to others, then a smaller chance of success.
The response from the people could reduce the motivation of people who want to diet, because you've already received compliments from people for his efforts to try to diet.
Palinski said that sometimes there are many people who find co-workers, friends or family members attempt to sabotage a diet. For example, by saying it's okay if you eat fatty foods only occasionally or offer tempting foods in people who are dieting.
"Because it's a diet plan for yourself and do not need to tell people, this will prevent you from people who are constantly asking the progress that you can, even if you are just starting," he said.
Palinski advise if it can not shut up or keep it secret, then you should tell a friend or family member who feels able to support his efforts to diet.
That way you can achieve your goal to lose weight and maintain a strong intention. This group will make your stay on the right track and tell if you're doing the wrong thing.
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