Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Intelligent Person Generate Quality Sperm

The relationship between intelligence and fitness can be traced from the quality of sperm produced. Intelligent man turned out to have sperm with good quality. This good sperm quality describe a person's health condition.

In findings published journal Intelligence, researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry in the UK says that men with high intelligence tend to produce quality sperm. This suggests a close relationship between intelligence and health evolution.

This research is actually conducted as preliminary research on the relationship between intelligence, health and overall fitness. In other words, researchers want to know the possibility to survive and reproduce in conditions typical evolution.

A total of 400 people over the former U.S. army intelligence tests and asked to provide semen samples. The researchers then analyzed the relationship between intelligence, semen quality (motility, concentration, and sperm count), age. Includes examining lifestyle factors such as: obesity, alcohol, smoking, use of cannabis, and hard drugs. The result, it was found that the intelligence was correlated with semen quality.

"It does not mean that men who prefer to play games always have poor sperm. The association that we found was marginal. But our results support the theoretical notion that intelligence support fitness in the evolutionary process,"

I thinks that there are other reasons that explain the relationship between intelligence with sperm quality. The reason is probably because the genes that influence intelligence also contributed to hundreds of other characteristics.

"If so, the small mutations that damage intelligence can also harm other characteristics. We all have thousands of mutations are quite harmless, but some people experience it more than others. More and more mutations can lead to lower intelligence and worse health conditions , "

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