Speed of sperm in the female reproductive organs was not always constant, and its quality is highly dependent on surrounding environmental conditions. One of the most influential indicator of quality is a long tail, the longer it is usually faster.
But if the average is taken, then the journey of sperm to penetrate cervical cells or cervical length is only 5 cm could take many hours. Even to be able to achieve the ultimate goal which is to meet the egg cell which is only 15 cm, sperm takes 3-5 days because of its speed is only 0.3 cm / hour.
Speeds as low as it may sound slow for humans, but has actually been speeding considering the size of the sperm is on average only 42.3 micrometers. Do not compare with a man that can go 6-8 km / h with only a small run, because its size is much smaller.
Because sperm movement is so slow for the size of humans, probably already pregnant when having sex without a safety net may still be prevented. Some types of emergency contraception works by exploiting the pedekate between sperm and egg cells are so slow.
Emergency contraception is also called the Morning After Pill (MAP) or Plan B works by manipulating the hormonal conditions. changes in hormonal conditions make travel more inhibited and a new sperm meet the egg after infertility.
Use of emergency contraception are usually still very effective in preventing pregnancy up to 2-3 x 24 hours, and even then if the sperm move faster than the average. If the average velocity is taken, then emergency contraception is effective up to 120 hours or 5 days after sex.
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