Thursday, January 12, 2012

Researchers Say Internet Addiction Bad For Brain

Internet addiction is a phenomenon that could be considered new. Some scientists do not agree to enter psychological symptoms of Internet addiction as a mental disorder. However, research in China has recently dismissed the claim.

Research shows that teens who are addicted to the internet brain has a 'white matter' abnormal. White matter is a separate layer and surrounds the nerve cord between nerve cells. It was not clear whether this difference can lead to addiction or precisely this phenomenon is caused by Internet addiction.

Regional white matter indicated in the study have been known to be involved in addiction and compulsive behavior.

Internet addiction has been debated extensively in the mental health world, mainly due to the handbook of psychological disorders and guide, 'The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)' is being revised. Some experts do not agree if this condition is included in the category of addiction or other categories. 

Symptoms include, preoccupied with the Internet, has been repeatedly tried but failed to control Internet usage, feel restless, moody, depressed or irritable when attempting to reduce the use of the internet.

The researchers compared the brain scans with 16 teenagers are teenagers who do not have internet addiction by age and sex the same.

In a research report published journal PLoS One, scientists found that adolescents who experience Internet addiction has damage to the 'white matter' it. Damage that occurs in the brain that functions in decision making.

The material is white separator layer that surrounds the cable and connect the brain cells or neurons. They are biologically connected to nerve fibers like wire on electronic equipment, there is a separation layer that surrounds the cable. Neurons contain fat which can stop the electrical charge so as not to leak out of neurons.

We do not know whether the lack of white matter that connects the regions of the brain to trigger people can not resist his desire, or whether the behavior repeatedly can damage the connections between brain regions.

These sheath breakdown of communication within the brain that disrupt a person's thinking and behavior is valuable to be repeated again and again. This damage seems to be the key to the various types of addiction.

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