Diabetes is a disease that can be controlled by making changes in lifestyle and consumption of certain drugs, because the disease can cause complications in almost all organs of the body that result in blindness to amputation.
The scientists from Yale University studied 1,200 patients with sleep disorders snoring that makes breathing at night disturbed by airways that closed temporarily.
The results obtained are terrific snorers had 50 percent higher likelihood to develop diabetes. This indicates more severe snoring problems facing the chances of having high blood sugar levels bigger.
Researchers reveal the temporary closure of the airways which cause snoring experienced by the rise in cortisol hormone levels that trigger increased levels of glucose. If it happens constantly then it could cause diabetes.
While the trigger factor was found by Australian researchers is to skip breakfast tend to decrease blood sugar levels are suddenly in the morning, thus making it look sweet foods are redundant afterwards.
This condition will cause spikes in blood sugar levels suddenly in a short period of time that triggers excessive stimulation to insulin, thereby increasing the possibility of the body's cells become resistant to the effects of hormones that trigger diabetes at an early age.
In addition to excessive insulin is also thought to increase the storage of visceral fat, which is kind of dangerous that normally accumulate fat around the organs in the abdomen.
Symptoms appear if someone has diabetes is fatigue, frequent thirst, frequent urination, recurrent canker sores and heal old wounds.
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