When you exercise there is a natural hormone found in the muscle cells to trigger the burning of calories and fight obesity. Hormone that has just been identified is called irisin. During exercise, increased irisin levels in the body, increase energy expenditure, and control blood glucose levels.
Well, based on this health experts from Harvard Medical School said that the new hormone could pave the way for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, even cancer, as well as other disorders that can be improved by exercise.
However, doctors warn that this pill should not be used to replace the habit of exercising.
Irisin Iris comes from the word which in Greek means messenger god. This hormone helps to produce brown fat 'healthy' to lose weight. These fats decrease its production as older age, white fat is replaced by 'evil' are usually gathered at the waist.
I believes that the use of this irisin can be a therapy for any disease that can be overcome with the exercise.
When irisin levels increased during exercise, there is a change in the gene that turns bad fats to healthy fats. Healthy fat is beneficial because it burns more calories than exercising alone. Irisin able to improve glucose tolerance, a key measure for metabolic health.
To test whether irisin alone can mimic the benefits of exercise, the scientists injected the mice that are obese and would have the symptoms of diabetes. In 10 days, blood sugar regulation and insulin levels in rats for the better, prevent diabetes, and weight less shrinkage.
Although only a small decrease in body weight, that these hormones may have a greater effect when administered for long periods of time. The good, there are no signs of side effects as predicted investigators.
There is much evidence to suggest that sports are good for all parts of the body. But how could I? Clinical data showing the relationship between sport with health benefits in many diseases suggests that irisin also could have a significant effect in treating the disorder.
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