But the results showed that, there are some everyday items that should not be used interchangeably with other people. It certainly aims to reduce the risk of contracting the virus and other infections.
Here are six everyday items that should be avoided to be used interchangeably:
1. Touchscreen devices
Touchscreen devices, from cell phones to common ATM service centers can be attached to many bacteria. Although these devices do provide comfort, but can be a port of various infectious diseases, including E. coli, MRSA, and viruses that cause colds and flu.
Experts have tested the bacteria and viruses in a variety of surfaces touchscreen devices. The experts found that, the touchscreen and keypad on the machine that is used in a public place clung to many bacteria and viruses.
2. Brush your teeth and comb
Combs, toothbrushes, makeup brushes can sometimes be used interchangeably because of mixed up or for other reasons. Toothbrushes can transmit HIV, hepatitis B and C. While the combs have been found to carry MRSA and other germs.
3. Cell phone
Like the TV remote, the phone is often held by hand and rarely or never cleaned.
"The phone's women are also more germs than men's cell phone. This may be related to the fact that women tend to be more frequent colds than men in general. Women also have contact with children more often. The phone belongs to a woman also can be contaminated with germs that found in the make-up, "said the experts.
4. Shopping cart
The results of new studies that have found infectious diseases such as Salmonella, MRSA, and E. coli in the shopping cart provided by supermarkets. E.coli is also found in 80 percent of the basket of groceries in several countries.
5. Cosmetics
Sometimes the women trying cosmetic friend, close relative, or a sample cosmetics at a store. Cosmetic samples taken from the store during the study for 2 years, positively can cause infections such as staph and E. coli.
"The concentration of bacteria in cosmetic samples tended to be higher on weekends, when more customers move through the store and try the sample," said the researcher.
6. Pen
Many people who put the pen in the mouth. It can make the pen become carriers of bacteria and viruses. Mouth to an influenza infection can be spread by using a pen because interchangeably.
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