Fat in the stomach not only interfere with the appearance but also pose a health risk to various diseases. Some things are known as the trigger of the buildup of fat in the abdomen such as heredity and aging.
Aging causes sagging muscles so as to provide room for the fat to fill the venue, as well as the fluctuations of hormones such as cortisol increases that make estrogen decline and the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
Fat in the abdominal or visceral fat is called with this is the fat that surrounds organs in the abdomen and harmful to health, but unfortunately these fats tend to be difficult to remove.
One cause of stubborn belly fat than other fat is that it has alpha adrenergic receptors and higher beta-2 adrenergic receptors is lower.
Beta receptor is composed of layers of phospholipids that form the outer membrane of many cells of the body, including fat cells (lipocytes). This will free beta receptors fatty acids from adipose tissue and into the bloodstream to be consumed as fuel by skeletal muscle.
But because the amounts in the stomach a little, then the fat that accumulates will be released which makes it less difficult to remove. While this works receptor alpha in contrast to the beta receptor and blocking the release of fatty acids from fat cells.
Even so gradually abdominal fat can be reduced by making changes in diet and exercise or activity fiisk regularly for 30-60 minutes per day.
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