Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Men With Sperm Here Characteristics It Sucks

Sperm quality can only be properly assessed through laboratory examinations. However some physical traits are easily observed, ranging from sound to color nails can also be used to estimate the quality of the sperm of a man.

Some physical characteristics are generally associated with a history of disease or hormonal condition that affects sperm production. Not just a myth, various studies have shown an association between sperm quality with the disease and hormonal conditions.

Some physical characteristics that indicate that a man has poor sperm quality:

1. Heavy sound
Recent research conducted by experts from the University of Western Australia shows that a man's voice can indicate the quality of sperm. Men tend to be heavy sound bad sperm, whereas sperm shrill-voiced nicer.

This trend was influenced by the production of male sex hormones, namely testosterone. Indicates heavy sound excessive testosterone production, which in a certain amount, which inhibits the formation of sperm cells in testicular tissue.

2. Short index finger
Hormonal history while in the womb affect a man's finger size. More and more exposed to the hormone testosterone during in utero, then the size of the index finger tends to be shorter than the ring finger size.

Exposure to high testosterone levels during in utero affects a few things in the sexual life of a man while growing up. Besides increasing the risk of prostate cancer, these conditions also lead to reduced sperm production.

3. Nail color reddish
Under normal conditions, the nails have a flat color in all parts and smooth texture. If the nails have patches of reddish color, it could be that indicates the condition of collagen vascular diseases such as lupus that will greatly affect sperm production.

4. Earlobe wrinkles
According to research at the Chicago University, a person tends to be more susceptible to heart problems if you have the intersect ataudiagonal wrinkles on her earlobe. Heart and blood vessel disease generally reduces the quality of sperm produced by a man.

5. Difficult to recognize odors
Reduced sense of smell functions up to 50 percent is one of the symptoms that often accompany neurological disease Parkinson's. Annal of study in the journal Neurology indicates, the various functions of the male reproductive cendeurng reduced when suffering from this disease.

6. Baldness
Hair loss is something that is unavoidable for most men in middle age. However, under certain conditions, the loss happened in all parts including eyebrows can indicate a thyroid disorder that also affects the quality of sperm.

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