The difference in osteoporosis (bone loss) and osteoarthritis :
1. Oteoporosis is bone loss or bone abnormalities in the milk and the right medicine. While perkapuran or osteoatritis are abnormalities in the joints and medicine instead of milk.
2. Osteoporosis patients never complained of ill will, so when she complained of pain but he was not osteoporotic fractures. If there are no broken bones so he will not complain.
3. But if osteoarthritis then he will always feel the pain because the joints are moving. Treatment does not all have seen first operation because its phases could be just by changing his lifestyle.
4. Osteoarthritis can begin at age 20 years and it was normal because it includes the process of degeneration, only problem is that mild to severe and cause complaints. Some things can aggravate osteoarthritis much up and down stairs for example, often wear high heels for women or often squat jump.
5. Osteoporosis can be prevented by consuming milk from an early age so that the deposit is essentially good or strong. This is because the peak deposit occurs at the age of 5-35 years.
Do not have a new grandmothers told to drink milk, where it can. There are drink this milk, which is old grandmother could erect again, it is not possible. Therefore the most important prevention.
6. In osteoarthritis severe or severe, he could not operated on but had to change his lifestyle for example by using a shoe that fits, wear sandals soft cushions, using a stick or if it is old in a wheelchair when walking.
7. Osteoarthritis can be started from the age of 20 years and it is normal because it includes the process of degenerative (aging), only problem is that mild to severe and cause complaints. Some things can aggravate osteoarthritis much up and down stairs for example, often wear high heels for women or often squat jump.
8. There are certain conditions that make it osteoarthritis must perform operations such as joint-change operation (Total Knee Arthroplasty). Average of 1.5 months after surgery the patient can walk home as usual rehabilitation program went well and before he had to use a cane and physiotherapy.
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